Chapter 6

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As they gathered in chapel the next day the mental divide was already in place but no one knew it yet. Before most had even settled in their chairs, Jax was starting about what had happened the previous night.

"Place was clean." With his fingers Jax raked his blond hair back from his eyes with a huff. "There was nothing, empty. You sure of what you saw?" Jax asked Tig, his voice was calm but there was an accusatory tone to his words.

Immediately Tig was on defense, he leaned over the table with his finger extended in Jax's direction. "I know what I saw." All he wanted was to throw Mae's name out there but he knew he couldn't. This had suddenly become a sticky mess. "Someone must have seen me, split because they knew we were coming."

Clay was actually surprised to hear Darby had moved, surprised and livid. It made sense though, when he actually thought about it. They knew Mae was fraternizing with Opie, moving was a preventive measure and a test which she had failed, to Darby at least.

"Alright," Clay put his hand up to silence the bickering. "We just have to keep our damn eyes open. We see any race warriors, it gets handled." He pointed to each man one by one, giving them all a stern look.

Already Jax was shaking his head. "So we just start a war? See some meth head junkie and throw down? What if this isn't Darby, we can't go off half-cocked."

It was obvious Clay's instructions were fueled by his anger; those plans would only get the Sons in more trouble. Punctuating his words with a jab to the table with his index finger Clay started at Jax hard.

"They started this war. We keep drugs out of Charming. I'm not playing games with a piece of shit like Darby."

Always the calm, levelheaded brother Bobby stubbed out his cigarette before interrupting. "He's goading us," his eyes were on Clay. "He may be stupid but he's not stupid enough to set up shop in town without motive."

"What's the motive?" Piney asked from the back end of the table. "That's how we end it before it gets started."

There was silence among them, no one knew what Darby could want other than simply to cook and sell meth. Charming was an untapped market that he always wanted.

Clay picked up the gavel and turned it slowly in his hands. "For now," he looked at Jax. "Don't initiate. We need to dig a little deeper."

There was some discussion over who would look where and which could get the most out of the few street runners they knew. Clay slammed the gavel down and the guys scattered, except Tig.

"Darby's going to think she ratted," he said. Tig pulled at his chin with his thumb and index finger. "Didn't she said he already thought that?"

Clay was well aware of the implications. "We need to figure out her shit," he snapped. "I don't want Darby getting to her." They shared enough guilt over Donna; they could not let this woman get hurt.

"We should talk to him, settle this shit." Tig suggested.

Clay nodded. "Get Ope with her for now." There was no need for another word, Tig popped up to his feet and strolled out to the picnic tables.

When he stepped out into the sunlight, he was pleasantly surprised to see Mae waiting around awkwardly. If she wasn't there he had no clue how to get Ope to her without it looking suspicious. They met eyes for only a second before she nervously looked at her feet.

"Hey." Opie beamed, coming out to meet her as he wiped the oil from his hands. Being midday it was strange to see her haunting the lot but Opie was thrilled nonetheless. "What are you doing here?" Feeling the other guys' eyes on them Opie lead her further away.

"I wanted to come by and pay my bill." As she reached into her bag for her checkbook Opie stilled her with a soft touch. "Really, let me," Mae pouted but it had no effect.

He shook his head, there was no way she was paying a damn dime. "Not gonna happen. Pay for it some other way."

Mae cocked her head to the side as her lips turned into a goofy smile. "Well since the skinny blond did the work I guess I should I invite him over for dinner?"

"Tires came out of my paycheck." Opie said quickly, he knew she was kidding but he wasn't sure how far she'd run with the joke.

Her smile was bright when he said it; she now had confirmation that she wasn't alone in this crush. "Well then, looks like I'm cooking for you." As much as Mae wanted to be alone with Opie she remembered he was a single father, "The kids too, of course."

"I can get a sitter," he hoped. "I don't think they'll want to come anyway," they probably would prefer dinner with them than Mary but Opie didn't care.

There was no use even trying to hide her excitement. "Awesome, I guess come by around six?"

"Sure, six o'clock."

Mae took a few steps back before turning and heading straight to her car. She was giddy, her stomach in knots. Everything else in her life had turned to shit but Opie was good, very good.

"You know what you're doing with that son?" Piney's heavy hand landed on Opie's shoulder but the younger Winston didn't look away until Mae's car was out of the lot.

"Yeah Pop, I think I do."

Nodding, Piney lumbered forward, he didn't need to ask again. As he and Tara crossed paths she smiled sweetly at him, laughing a little as she met with Jax. "Did I see a woman who actually had her breasts and midriff covered?"

"She's got a job too," he laughed. "She's one of your people, an educated professional."

"Wow," Tara feigned shock, only giving up as Jax pressed his lips to hers.

As they kissed he opened one eye to see Tig and Clay leaving without another word to the others. It seemed unusual, Jax couldn't shake the feeling that something else was going on.

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