Chapter 14

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Tara's hand hovered over the doorbell, still unsure about getting more involved than she already was. She and Mae had chatted at dinner and seen enough of each other on the lot but they were far from friends. Sucking it up, Tara hit the button, and waited nervously.

"Go away," she said, her voice weak.

"It's Tara, Opie didn't send me, I'm just checking on you."

The door creaked open just an inch. "I'm okay." She scowled seeing Half-Sack.

"I don't think you are." Tara snipped with her arms crossed over her chest. "Come on, just talk to me. They're assholes, I know that."

Mae smiled at that just a bit, she opened the door and let Tara walk in but Sack stayed on the porch. "Yeah, they are."

The girls settled on the couch, both silent for a short moment, before Tara started. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"I'm sure you'll all know soon enough." Sadly, Mae wouldn't be the one to tell Opie. She was almost certain word would get out, especially after her appearance at the clubhouse.

"Well, we don't, or at least I don't, so why don't you just tell me?"

Mae tucked her legs up and sat on her feet. "It's long and messy and no one knows but Tig and Clay."

"Tig and Clay?" She asked, astonished by the revelation. She shouldn't have been, those two were hardly trustworthy.

"Yeah, they were supposed to be helping." She laughed to herself. "I got in trouble with a crew in Oakland, went to another crew for help and Tig found out. He and Clay offered to help me get out from under both guys if I helped them get information on Darby."

Tara shook her head, this was bad and Mae hadn't even mentioned Weston yet. "Darby found out?"

"Yeah, turns out he's not even pulling the strings, Tara. Ethan Zobelle is. Weston came here last night, attacked me, drugged me." Mae stopped, her eyes filling with tears. "Those are the basics."

"So when Opie came here, it was Weston he saw." Mae nodded. "Jesus," all Tara could think about was what had happened to Gemma. "You need to talk to Ope."

"No, I tried, I wanted to, that's why I went there looking for him but then I saw him with her. He slept with that girl. His ex, the porn star," Mae was shaking her head. "I'm no saint, I should have told him from the start, as soon as Tig popped up. I just, I thought he was different, that I could trust him."

Her shoulders fell, Tara felt awful for Mae. "Look, I think you two should just talk. Ope's a good guy but even the good ones are idiots."

Mae wasn't having any of it, she wanted nothing to do with any man wearing a cut or involved in a gang or a crew or a club. "Thank you for your concern, Tara, but I think I'll pass."

After a long talk, more about their own lives rather than the men in them, Tara headed home. She was frustrated when she walked in, the sight of Jax rocking Abel did help lighten her mood though.

"Hey," they greeted each other in unison and shared a kiss. "How is she?" Jax asked in a whisper.

They moved down the hall to put Abel in his crib. Tara smiled as she and Jax leaned over the edge to watch the child sleeping.

"A wreck, she's in some shit, more than any of you know."

His eyebrows furrowed as he tore his eyes away from Abel to look at Tara. "What? Clay said Weston attacked her for info on the club."

Of course that's all he said. "You can't spread this shit around, Jax." He nodded, his face twisted with concern. Tara told him everything Mae had told her, which really wasn't much.

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