Chapter 12

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Weston continued to try to question Mae alternating physical and mental abuse before finally injecting her with the rest of the syringe. Even if she wanted to tell him anything she couldn't, her tongue felt heavy from the heroin, she could barely ask him to stop anymore. Again, the sound of a Harley that granted her a break, finally Tig had arrived or at least she hoped it was a Son.

He instructed his men, "Go, bring the car around." They listened for fear of being on the receiving end of his wrath.

With a snarl A.J. bent in front of her and grabbed her cheeks. "If you don't give us what we want, this'll happen again." The sound of Tig knocking at the door sent him scrambling as if the biker wouldn't know she'd been attacked and the League's involvement could be kept hidden.

When she didn't immediately answer the door Tig knocked harder and called out to her. "Mae? It's late, we gotta go."

Her car in the drive and the lights on in the lower level of the house but no sound or movement made Tig uneasy. The second story was dark, she wasn't up there. He tried to tell himself that maybe she was sleeping, she'd dozed off accidently but it didn't work.

Creeping around the side of the house he peeked in the windows and made his way slowly to the back. Weston had left the kitchen door ajar and it was all the confirmation Tig needed. With his hand on his pistol he entered the kitchen to see Mae sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh, shit girl." After quickly checking her pulse, he cleared the lower level before coming back around and rolling her onto her back. "Mae?"

Her face was bloodied and bruises had already started to appear up and down her arms, chest and neck. Looking her over Tig saw the fresh, bright red, prick in her arm and swollen vein. "Goddamn it." Fishing his phone from his pocket Tig called Clay, he didn't know what else to do considering the situation.

"Time to get up." He said and gently tried to shake her, she groaned but didn't move. "Come on, Clay, hurry up."

It didn't take Clay and Gemma too long to arrive at Mae's but it felt like an eternity to Tig. They came in the kitchen door like Tig had told them to. At the sight of her Gemma shook her head.

"Jesus, what happened?"

"I don't know. Came to meet her, found her like this."

Gemma looked accusingly at Tig and Clay. She had no idea about anything between them. "Why were you here? Meeting her for what?"

"Doesn't matter," Clay interrupted. "Clean her up, Gem, we need to get her up and moving."

Doing as she was told Gemma pulled the small first aid kit from her bag and set to work. She spoke softly to try to rouse her, little by little Mae seemed like she might be coming around.

"What do you think?" Clay asked quietly as the men left the room.

Tig shrugged. "She had fresh marks on arm," he tapped the crook of his elbow. "It could only be one crew though but I'm not thinking Darby did that."

"I think you're right."

They both figured it was Weston, he was out of his mind and everyone could see that by the look in his eyes. Tig was feeling more conflicted than ever, after Donna the last thing he wanted was another innocent getting hurt.

"Clay," Tig called after him before he could go back into the kitchen. "We have to fix this."

It was clear from the start Donna had a huge, painful effect on Tig and now this was pulling at him too. Clay nodded, it understood. "We will, brother."

"She's coming around." Gemma said as they entered the room again. Mae's eyes fluttered a little, she stirred as Gemma finished placing the little bandages over her cuts. "Come on, darlin', time to get up."

It didn't take too much longer for Mae to open her blackened, swollen eyes. When she saw the cuts she looked around for Opie but he wasn't there. "I want Ope." She murmured. "Where is he?"

"I don't know." Gemma said as she helped Mae sit up and leaned her against the cabinets. They'd only met a few times and it was clear how uncomfortable she felt having them there in the situation. "What happened?"

"Weston happened."

Gemma grimaced at the name but kept her composure. "All right, let's get you up and walking."

It wasn't until sunup that Mae was moving around on her own. She was weak and already itching for another hit. Withdrawal from the dose Weston gave her would be bad enough, Mae knew she couldn't and she didn't even have anywhere to go for heroin. Tig and Clay got what little information they could from her and left a few hours later while Gemma stuck around.

After a long shower she was ready to go, her stomach was churning either from withdrawal or her anxiety over seeing Opie but it was probably both. "Thank you, Gemma." Mae said, embarrassed, her hands shaking.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Opie." Mae was angry he'd left but she knew from his end it looked much different than it really was. "I have to talk to him, come clean about a few things."

Gemma nodded, after admitting a few things herself she knew how important it was to be honest. Hiding things only ended with people getting hurt. "I know we don't know each other at all, really, but I think the truth is the best thing."

Mae nodded, she agreed wholeheartedly. "Hopefully I'll see you around."


It didn't feel right. Opie shifted and fidgeted with his arm around a sleeping Lyla. He tried to make it better, make it feel good, but it was all wrong. She just didn't fit with him the way Mae did. When she finally awoke he couldn't have been more relieved, thankfully she didn't say anything, only giving him a sleepy smile.

Opie felt sick as he watched Lyla, completely nude, walk from the bed to the bathroom. His night spent with her in the clubhouse apartment didn't make him feel any better, he felt just as hurt and angry as he did the night before.

"Shoulda kicked that dickhead's ass." He mumbled sitting up and putting his feet on the floor.

Throwing his clothes on Opie waited for Lyla to come out, fully dressed now. "That was fun," she said sweetly. "I've missed you."

"Yeah, Lyla, that wasn't..." He didn't know what to say. "You should probably just go." Her reaction made him feel exponentially worse. She nodded slowly, the hurt of being used was all over her face. "I didn't mean to lead you on or anything."

"No, it's fine." Snatching up her shoes she swung open the apartment door.

With his cut and beanie over his arm Opie followed after her. "Lyla, I'm sorry."

The two of them turned from the hall to the main room of the club. Opie froze when he saw Mae, her face a beaten mess. She was trying to get something out of Tara but she and Jax were trying to ease what would be monumentally painful for her.

"What happened to you?" He asked, his voice pained, as he made his way over to her. "Jesus, Mae. Are you okay?"

She looked between Lyla and Opie, understanding fully why the others were being so evasive. Her chin trembled as she thought about what he was doing while she was with Weston.

"I'm fine." She stammered as she backed away slowly. "I'm fine."

"Mae, don't."

She shook her head, turned away from him and hurried out to her car. Mae was at a loss, completely floored and heartbroken by what he'd done after only thinking she'd been with another man. Maybe he didn't feel as strongly for her as she assumed.

"Mae," Tara came out after her as Jax held Opie from following. "Do you need help?" She was a doctor, a healer and seeing the damage done Tara had to at least try.

"I needed Opie." She admitted. "Doesn't matter, I'll figure it out." How Mae would do that she didn't know but at least she knew Tig and Clay would help, even if they were the last people she wanted. Juice and Half-Sack rolled in and Mae used that moment of distraction to hop in her car and squeal out of the lot.

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