running away part 1

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Ali pov

I were about to open the door to Emily's house when she grabbed me by my waist "Baby wait,  it's 8:45 stay the night and I will tell you everything in the morning" she said  "No I don't want to stay with you we promised that we won't keep secrets from each other" she sigh " I know and I'm sorry I just want you to stay for the night and I promise in the morning I will tell you".

"I really didn't want to stay but only because its 8:47 I will stay but I'm not sleeping in the same room with you I will sleep on the couch" Emily looked at me weirdly.

"Baby there is like 17 bed rooms in this house why do you want Sleep on the couch" She looked at me suspicious.

" I just really like the couch" I just didn't want her to know that I live on the streets and I just don't want to get to comfortable in her home or in her bed.

"Fine but I will be checking up on you in the night" she kissed my forehead as her phone began to ring , she took the call and walked away. I felt really tired so I lay down on the floor and drifted off to sleep.

Emily pov

After I came of the phone with my assistant I went to the living room and saw Alison on the floor sleeping, I pick her up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom I know she didn't want to sleep on a bed or even near to me which ,I found pretty weird but I love her and I don't want her to think that I don't care.
I took of her clothes and put her in a t- shirt and left her in her panties and then took of my clothes and stayed in my boxers.

Ali pov

I woke up and felt like I was sleeping on heaven, I rubbed my eyes and opened them and I realized that I'm laying in Emily's bed next to her I got up slowly but instantly and put on my clothes that I found on the edge of the bed, I ran down to the front door and saw that it has a code I think quick and remembered that she has a window above the kitchen sink I ran in the kitchen and saw that it's open I climbed into it and passed through easily cause I'm really small. I then ran back to the city where I belonged.

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