No more !!

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Ali pov

I walked around town for three hours in the cold and rain.. Just knowing that's what Emily wants from me kills me, probably that is the only reason why she's with me cause I'm young and wants my body. I really thought I could trust her but I guess not.

2 hours later

I found myself in front of Emily's Elevator door studying if I should go in or not.
Immediately I walked in and typed her password to her house.
Instantly as the door open I heard Emily talking over her phone.

"Just find her she has been gone for hours!!"  She shouted at the phone. Slowly I tried to walk up the stairs but she caught me
"Baby where have you been you had me worried sick about you" she sigh.

I grabbed her hand and carried her into the living room " we need to talk" I said sitting her down.

After minutes of explaining to her about everything she grabbed my hand and kisses my knuckles. " Listen" she finally spoke up.

" let make a deal" she said, I was confused but just mod " I will never cheat on you or look at any women in any type of way, if you promise to".  She said playing  like she's thinking.

"To what" so chuckled " Not run away again or try to escape without telling me what's wrong first. because the girls needs you more than I do.
I them nod " I promise, No more".

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