Becoming Better

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Three months later

Ali pov

I have decided not to do drugs because I think it will be great if I start working and getting my life together without being a wreck.
For the past three months, things were tough but I made through it.

Last month I got a job as a Teacher at apparently The same school Emma, Ella and Valentina are going to. I know it's weird but I try to avoid them as possible because Valentina is in my English class and then all three of them are in Gymnastics together which is Another class I'm teaching.

Present time

Today is the girls PTA meeting a month before the school closes for Christmas break.

And it's gonna be hectic cause there will be a lot of paparazzi taking pictures of all the celebrity kids and their parents. And I don't want to be around cause some paparazzi knows me through Emily's fame.

This morning I got up did my morning routine, shower then I didn't eat anything cause I don't eat in the morning or at night only for lunch I will drink coffee and that's it. Called a cab and arrived at school.

Alison outfit btw

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Alison outfit btw

When I came out of the cab I saw Aria and Emily talking at the entrance of the school. I didn't know what to do so I started to walk back when I bumped into someone.

"Alison," the person said

I turned around surprised and saw it was Spencer 

"Hey Spencer, how are you" I chuckled nervously

"I'm great actually what are you doing here" she whispered yell.

"What do mean what I'm doing here" she took my arms leading me to here BMW.

As we sat inside she looked at me.

"I didn't think it was illegal to go to work" I imply

" you are working here?" she asked shock

I just nod

" I don't think it's a great idea if Emily sees you," she said


"Cause since you guys broke up all she ever do is talk about you. I mean she has gotten better as a person but I think she's obsessed with you"

"I don't think if someone talks about you all the time means they are obsessed with you" I chuckled

" you don't understand Alison, she watches your every move, like she knows when you arrived home or when you are going through your phone, she even has a file with everything you like and dislike. I know obsessed is a stupid word to use but it's more creepy".

" how do you know she does all that stuff"

"Helloo, I'm working for her" she replied

"Don't take it the wrong way Ali, But I think she's more doing those stuff to protect you" she said after

I nod and came out of the car but luckily when I walked by the entrance only aria was there talking to her son.

I walked straight past them and entered into the hall where all the parents were even Emily who I try to avoid eye contact with.
I sat beside the principal as she spoke to the parents.

1 hour and 45 minutes later

After the meeting, all the kids and parents were assigned to see their subjects teachers.
So I walked in class and waited on the parents to come in one by one.
Aria and Spencer came in with their son Justin.

"Hey Ali" Aria smile

"Hey" I got up and hugged her

"So, Justin doesn't any give trouble in class but he is lacking in his reading".

" I know, it's hard to send him lessons cause we are always working".

" I Can help him after class or during lunch if you guys want because he picks up fast in his work so I believe it will be easy."

"Thank you, Miss Dilaurentis" Justin Smiled

"You are actually the first kid I have ever seen happy to learn work" I chuckle

"He gets that from Spencer" Aria laugh while Spence playfully glared at her.

After they left two other parents came in then Emily.

"Hey" I waved nervously

"How are you," she asked almost sentimental.

"I'm great but anyways Valentina is a little talkative and always answers her questions in class, she always does her homework which is great but other than that I don't have any problems with her," I said

I finally looked up and saw that she was biting her lips and looking at me from head to toe.

"Thanks but can I ask you a question," she asked


"Can I take you on a date this weekend?" she said with her sexy smile.

"Umm, this weekend I'm packing to leave" I mumble

"To where?" she said almost like she's mad that I'm moving

"To my sister's place in Australia". I replied

" kids can you guys go meet Aunty aria and wait with her," she told the kids as they walk outside
Emily locked the door, walked up to me and kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I kissed back.

"Please don't leave me," she said in between kisses

"I have too, you know I can't live by myself it creeps me out"

"What about Hanna" she implies

"She went to rosewood for the rest of the year and I don't have anyone to spend Christmas with" we catch a breath as we let go

" Stay with me and the girls this Christmas" she started kissing my neck which turns me on

"II-I can't, I want the girls to spend their first Christmas happy with you"

She stopped and sighed "What if you come spend Christmas with me and the girls and we can start over"

"The girls need their mother for Christmas-" I try to push her off but she kissed me

"The girls might need me but they need you to"..........

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