Lost kid

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Suddenly out off nowhere, I felt like my heart stopped it was so hard to breath, I squeezed Hanna hands hoping that she'll understand the pain that I'm going through..Within minutes all I felt were my body being carried and everyone talking and crying.

The last thing I saw were lights shinning in my eyes.

To be continued


Two days later

Valentina's pov

I feel annoyed right now, it's been two days since Ali's been at the hospital the last thing I heard was the baby's gender and it's stressful because I didn't want another sister...I can't say I'm not gratefully that Emily took me in but it's hard being one of the oldest child and it's worst on my part because all the kids gets attention even Cameron gets attention and no one cares about me.

It wasn't as bad as it is now but since Eve came in the picture
Its like they are all seeing an invisible me and I can't take it anymore I just wanna leave it's better off that way no one doesn't even notice I'm around anyways.

Right now I'm up in my room packing a bag I just have to find a way to get out from Emily's mansion away from her eighteen different securities. I don't exactly know where I'm going because I'm not from here, I'm from Hawaii so I kinda need to keep an eye out for danger.

I really didn't want Emily to find me so I decided to leave my phone and any electronic devices here so I wouldn't get caught.

I grabbed my bag and head downstairs to the kitchen to get some snack in the pantry.

"Hey what are you doing" Hanna said as she's cooked lunch for the kids "oh I'm just getting snack to eat out back I just need to finish up some homework" I said and she chuckled " are you feeding a village, why are you getting so many snacks" she asked

I didn't answer her I continued packing my bag. "um hey Hanna in just gonna take the trash out okay" I said and she nod looking down at the pot.

I grabbed the trash and pretended that I was gonna throw it so the security guard at the gate won't think I'm up to something. I opened the gate, throw the trash outside and then began running down the road like someone was chasing me.

I ended up running until my feet couldn't take it anymore, I ended up by a bridge, eventually I saw that there was a walk way to go under the bridge, I sat on a rock and drink some water and ate a pop tart. I watched as the sun set, before I left home I was super confident to run away but right now I'm second guessing that.

I'm scared, I would have went back home but I don't know where I am and where to go.

Hanna's pov

Right now Emily and Alison are on their way home with the baby and I can't find their oldest daughter, I know for sure that I'm dead.

The kids and I have been looking for her for hours, even the security guards help looked but no sign of Valentina, I looked up in her room, her phone was on her bed and her closet were half empty.

I didn't know what to do the kids are getting worried and I'm more worried that Emily's gonna kill me.

I heard the front door open, Emily and Alison came in holding the baby. "Hey, guys aren't you guys happy to see your sister" Emily asked but the kids didn't respond most of them crying and Cameron looked worried.

"What's going on" Emily asked "um, Valentina is missing" I said and they both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Alison carry the baby upstairs, I need to know what's going on" she said to Alison but she shock her head and stood there with the baby, I didn't want to argue so I let her stay.

"When did you guys notice she went missing" Emily asked

"she was looking In the pantry for snack and she took a lot off them, I asked her about it and she said she was going to eat and do some homework but then she told me that she was going to take out the trash and I let her but then probably an hour later the front gate guard told me that Valentina hasn't come back from the throwing the trash then we all searched for her but she left her phone and took some off her clothes" I said.

I looked at them, Alison was crying and Emily kept pacing around the room.

"Omg, Em she isn't from here so she doesn't even know where she's going" Alison said crying "No shit" Emily held her head.

"Dadwy, is she dead" Ana asked tugging Emily's pants. Emily picked her up and give her a kiss "I think it's time for you all to go to bed" she told the kids.

"No, can we all stay up and watch tv" Ella asked "yeah, it might get out mind off this problem" Cameron said.

"Fine, go shower and get in your pjs and then you guys can go watch tv" she said sending them off.

Tina's pov

I'm really scared, I just wanna go home I feel so stupid right now I rather be invisible to everyone than to be in this position.

" I changed into my pjs and laid on the rock" hoping Emily and Ali would find me.

" I changed into my pjs and laid on the rock" hoping Emily and Ali would find me

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Weeks later
Emily's pov

I've never felt more disappointed in myself, I'vent ate much since she went missing, all I think off is the worst, does she have enough food, is she still alive, does she know where she is. All those questions kept coming in and out of my head.

We have done everything to find her but nothing, we've done search parties, posters, questioning, digging, emailing and still nothing.

The kids and Ali has been so distant it's so crazy, no one ever talks, every morning the kids just wakes up get dress and leave and when they come home we all sit around the table and eat but still no one ever talk.

Surprisingly the kids don't even care about playing with the baby it's like they didn't see her arrive yet but Even Ana and the twins, spends most of their time in Tina's room. And they never come out unless it's time for school.

Lately I've been questioning myself what did I do wrong for her to run away, I try to give them everything and I tried to support their choices but I still don't understand why she left, did someone touch her, was she afraid off me, was I too distant towards her, did someone threaten her, did kids bully her at school, I just don't understand why.

The only person who's trying to cope is Alison because off the baby, she hardly talk to me She spends most off her days at Hanna or she spends her day at aria's.

This whole family is breaking apart and all we need is one piece of puzzle to fix us.

Valentina's  pov

It's been a long time staying under the bridge, every day that I'm here I cry and pray that Emmy comes for me, I get bad dreams every single night and when I wake up I cry some more because when I wake up I was hoping i was some where better but it was my nightmare that was reality.

I've ran out off snacks, water, energy, clean clothes and hope.

And now as the days go by I'm still living my nightmare....

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