Grey is the most seen colour yet the most invisible one. Look beside you, you'll see your grey shadow screaming at the top of its lung in its own mutist language, trying to tell you something but failing to do so. So it just follows you wherever you go and hugs you silently while shedding grey invisible tears just to be acknowledged for its existence once but you, you only care for the typical black and white world. Very ungrateful indeed.
Yes, I'm talking to you, my reader.
She was feeling the rain that kissed on her skin softly, it slowly glid downwards in a soothing way. The soft wind made her shiver, her naked legs touched the ceramic floor where all she could feel was the cold presence of raindrops. She looked up, the grey smile of the sky reflected on her grey shadow, the grey teardrops of the sky reflected on her grey tears, but both, had no language. That's why she felt happy. But grey,
Is invisible.
She was 12. The biggest nerd on earth, wore big glasses and the only motto of her life was 'study'. Absolutely had no friends. But had tons of frenemies. Because she was lost in a world where friends become frenemies and enemies become friends. However, she never really cared cause she was too innocent for this complicated world full of black and white existences.
All she had were,
Four walls. A ceiling. And a locked door.She loved everything she had because she hated everything she was. She hated everything she had because she had nothing to love. She,
Was obscure.
Just like the cloudy sky.
Short StoryEvery living being is a visible illusion of invisibility to her. Because she, knows grey. And grey, Is invisible.