Meeting a childhood friend

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My first day in U.A, in a new dorm too, so exciting.It seemed like a nice refresher after the ordeal I just went through ; I doubt that I'll know anyone at U.A -as I haven't lived here since I was 10 and I only made one friend.He was super anti-social too!Anyway time to get on with my day...

I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear...dang it I slept through my alarm again.Realising it was less than half an hour before I was due to be at school, I swiftly got changed and headed for the door.I was so nervous!

Walking to my class 1A, my anxiety only grew.Bang!An idiot with light blonde hair, shoved past me and banged me against the wall.Owch!Even so , I continued to walk to class.A few minutes later , I reached the door and became unsure on what I had to do.Was I supposed to wait here or go inside?I'd never really been in a school before so...this was completely new...After a few moments of deliberation, I went straight inside and waited at the front.

It was so embarrassing...I felt like everyone was looking at me...Is there bullies?Scanning the room , I spotted a familiar face from my childhood -Todoroki.When we were little, we used to sneak out from our families and training to meet with each other.He was the only friend I mentioned!Lets just say our environments were somewhat similar!To make myself look less awkward , I approached him...I don't think he spotted me yet....

"Umm...Hey...I don't know if you remember me or anything...but we were childhood's fine you probs don't remember me...I'm f/n l/n..."I awkwardly rambled, giving him my hand to shake.

"What?"he questioned, looking up to me,"I was told she died two years ago.Are you trying to make me hit you or what?I cared about her and cried for her and now I've come to peace about it you bring it back up...Leave me alone..."he snapped, slapping my hand.

"But I...whatever....I'm sorry..."I apologised, stepping backwards.

"Better be!" Todoroki threatened, as our teacher-Shota Aziawa entered the room.

"Hello you've probably seen we have a new student due to special circumstances."My homeroom teacher interrupted,stepping into the classroom with a bright yellow sleeping bag, "Miss l/a you will be sitting there next to Bokugo."

As I looked to where I was sitting, I realised it was the guy who shoved past me this morning.People suddenly began gossiping me about how I could transfer in and how i easily pushed Tidoroki's buttons.I had just started School and I was already a discrase.For the first three lessons before Lunch, I stayed completely silent and tried not to draw attention to myself.The incident from before had prevented me from laying low like I wanted; I also transferred in at an idiotic time too!

~During Lunch~

"Hey, uhh I'm Midoria and this is Uraraka...could we sit with you?"the green haired guy asked.

"Yeah you can,"I replied, giving a wide smile,"I apologise for causing a commotion..I really didn't intend to.."

"Yeah...we're ok about it but Todoroki seemed pretty riled has ever seen him like that before...What happened?"Uraraka added, sitting down.

"Nothing really...I would apologise but he wouldn't even listen..typical"I answered.Our conversation lasted around twenty minutes until anger issues came over and disrupted it.

"Crappy Todoroki killer...I wanna talk to you!"Bokugou ordered, slamming the table.

"Not with a stupid nickname like that makes everyone , who says it sound like an idiot.But when you change it I'll talk to you"I giggled , putting away my sandwich wrapper and waving goodbye to Oraraka and Midoria.

"We're just friends" - Reader x Bakugo x TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now