Getting my life back...

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~readers pov~

I finally reached the house-damn why did my phone have to blow up as I wished I could've went in a taxi.It was extremely cold outside too;it was also windy but I don't mind the wind.That's obviously because of my qwirk.

I knocked on the door,hoping that Lucifer would be home.His wife opened the door ; she was always super nice to me so I didn't mind talking to her.I asked her if he was home but sadly he wasn't but she suggested me staying over to wait for him to come home.He had to return home at some point!It was a four bedroom detached house which was moderately sized but quite big for two people.To be honest , it looked way to normal.She gotten me some coke and sat down to talk.

"Thanks for coming...we hardly get any visitors so please come over more often."she exclaimed, giving a wide smile.

Smiling back , I thanked her:"Aww..I shall do it more often...really thank you for allowing me to stay here,"I asked,"Sorry to ask you this but are you...uhh..curious about your husbands work?"

"I just have to deal with it..I mean he mentioned working with troubled kids before you came over last time...bug I love him so it's just how it goes.."she replied,unknowingly making me despise him more.

I mumbled,"Idiot he knew I'd come over at some point,"Continuing the confersation,I questioned :" are you..anything changed?Its only been a month..."

"Nope..not really...but we're thinking about getting about a dog..Any changes with yo.."she asked, being cut off by Agent Lucifer.

"I knew you'd be here...trying to sort it out...the answer is cannot go back to U.A"he ordered,presuming what I was going to say.

"I'm guessing you talked with Midoria..or did that truth serum thing.."I added.

"Midoria?It that the boy in the U.A sports festival...what is going on?"Lucifer's wife potitely asks.

He continues:"Darling could you leave the room?"as she walks out (knowing how confidential it is),"Explain to me why it is good to go back there..."

I informed"It's your duty...not as Agent Lucifer but as a human being...after what I went through fontou think I deserve to be at U.A...that's what I  want to do!"

We continued our confersation until he finally agreed...I could be at U.A.He had to make some calls but being there ment that I wasn't alone anymore.I may have still had some issues to clear up from what happened but I knew that I belonged there and that I was destined to become a mattered everything.I was happy..extatic...overjoyed...every single positive  emotion that could run through your veins was abomination of positivity!

~Deku POV~

I hope she's ok...I have no idea about what's going on...I just want her to be safe...we may not know each other that well but I still care.I secretly knew she wanted to be here...there was a glint/sparkle in her eye that told me everything.I don't think that she could bare saying goodbye and neither could I.Todoroki is pacing the floor mumberling about how he wants her safe.I wouldn't blame him-after all,he knows her the most.What does he know that I don't?He is closer and knows more about her than I do ; I just have a need to know it.I wanna know her like he does but it would be mean to but in..I suppose we're not good friends yet do I'll just have to wait and see!

~Sml Toforoki POV~

Where is she?I want her back.Stupid Bakugo.Every little thing he does affects me and f/a in a negetive way-especially for her.Why does she even talk to him?I just don't want to louse her again...I don't want to feel that way..I've just gotten her back too...I was starting to actually feel happy and nod it's all gone!I wonder what happened during the last four years...Did something happen to her?Will she feel ok?

Ps:f/n~First name     L/n~last name

"We're just friends" - Reader x Bakugo x TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now