My qwirk....test........

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I had transferred at such an awkward time...Right before Midterms...Since not even the principal knew my situation,I had to use my qwirk but how.Normally, I would've been able to use my wind qwirk and my immortality qwirk but now I'm not so sure.The specialised nurse I came to see a month ago told me:'Don't use your qwirk for atleast four weeks or it could cause permanent damage'.I don't think this applies to now but I have my midterms and I don't know how much strength to use.My wind qwirk works by manipulating that oxygen , nitrogen and argon.My immortality qwirk works by whenever I get injured , I automatically heal that part of my body.Ill just have to improvise and if I can't use my qwirk , I'll probably just collapse!

Walking to my class, I saw Ururka , she was with Momo and Mina.These guys didn't seem to mind me much so I came over.

"Hi guys, are you talking about our qwirk test?I'm so nervous 😩 " I exclaimed , partly apologising for butting in on their conversation.

"Oh too...No-one knows-What is your qwirk l/n?"Mina asked.

"'s not like a big secret or anything...I have wind!" I replied, knowing wind isn't an unusual power.

"That's so cool..Who do you think will come in first this time?Its either Midoria , Todoroki or Bakugo?"she questioned, continuing to talk about their long standing rivalry,"Who are you rooting for?You seem closest to those guys , l/n."

"Me?I don't mind..I just think that whoever comes out on top should be the best.Who do you think Uraraka , Mina,Momo?"I explained, wanting to know their answers...

"To be honest, I think we all want Midoria to win.Though we don't want him to get hurt by doing so...the other guys just seem a bit cold to me!Doncha think?"Momo answered, turning round to the other girls.

"Yeah I agree...I'm sorry to diss your friends like that but Bakugo gave Uraraka a concussion and Todoroki just acts super cocky and better than all of us."Mina explained, as we all made our ways to our seats.

The first few hours of today included:a maths, an English and a magical studies test.The maths and English seemed completely foreign to me-since I'd never been to a decent school before but the magical studies was like a breeze.After the first three hours past, it was luch so I sat and talked to my friends and also texted Todoroki to see how he did on the midterms.It was just like a normal lunch, except from when it came to an was the practical.

To test ourselves against my fellow classmates, the teachers decided on one on one battles between the 1A students.I was given a super cute  super hero costume-it was light blue airtight jumpsuit with a brown belt around my waist.

 The first few matches went pretty expected but then it was my turn.I was facing Aoyama(the laser guy); this would be a good time for my qwirk to work.The fight went quite smooth, I didn't even have to use my qwirk that heavily.I also realised Aoyama's weakness:after shooting his laver beam or whatever, he has ten seconds to recharge.So all I had to do was,place him in a position to use his 'navel laser'and go and punch him using a small bit of my wind to upgrade my speed.I really didn't want to use a high intensity of my power as it could damage my qwirk for good.

When I left, I went to grab my phone by the side.Bakugo was beside it and prevented me from getting my phone.Special Agent Lusifer had called me several times about the usage of my qwirk but I couldn't answer it as I was busy fighting Aoyama.

"What are you doing Kacchan?"I asked , in a slightly aggressive tone.

"Who the hell is the Lucifer guy?What is so important that he called you so many times?"he argued, pointing at my phone.

"Hey l/n,you did we-"Uraraka stated , being cut off by Bakugo.

"Answer me dammit..I WANT TO KNOW THE CRAP THATS GOING ON!"he snapped, increasing the volume of what he was saying.

"......I need my phone back's important"I replied,trying to gain access so my phone.

"Well...let's call this 'Lucifer' and find out what's going on." agreed Kirishima.

" can't...Do you wanna be expelled or even executed of invading and trying to find out state secrets.."I replied, trying to warn them.

Ring..ring...ring..Suddenly the phone blew up, startling even the teachers-yes the same teachers who don't care about anything.Bakugo looked at me distraught..the rest of the class did too.I was screwed ; I knew I'd get caught someday but not now-not like this.I ran straight into the nearest exit and kept running 🏃until I reached a park bench!

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