Chapter 1: Birthday Dinner, The New Season starts

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The day was September 21st and that ws the day of Abby's 46th birthday, so Spencer and Vivi decided to take their mother out to dinner and they were seen at sitting at a table and they were eating as the time was 6:30 PM.

"Thank you for taking me out for my birthday, Spencer and Vivi, that's why i love you both." Abby said to her kids.

"You're welcome and we love you too." Spencer stated.

"Tomorrow we go to Rachael's wedding, then you, Vivi, myself and Gia are gonna head out to Meridian to pick up a friend of ours, her sister, daughter and son to attend a friend's daughter's wedding in and we'll be in New Orleans for a Master Class and will have Maddie, Chloe, Melissa and Christi fly out to meet us and we'll also be in New Orleans for Nationals to end this upcoming season."

"Yeah, we're gonna have a busy late month ahead of us." Vivi said.

"You know it." Spencer added, then he turned to Abby. "Mom, remember when we were in Los Angeles and we got word that only Maddie and Chloe showed up for the summer classes and the other girls didn't show up as much? I found out that Kelly, Brooke and Paige didn't show up the most and because of that, i think we should suspend them, not for good, but for a while so they can think things over, it's gonna hurt us to do this but we got no other choice."

"Sounds like a good idea. Maddie and Chloe showing up for the summer classes means that they are both dedicated and want to work hard and win." Abby said.

"That they are." Vivi agreed. "I heard Cathy doesn't have a team, but we're not holding our breaths because we know she'll somehow make up one, but we'll beat those Apples like we did last season."

"That's true and Nationals this season will be in New Orleans, Louisiana." Abby commented.

"Can't wait, hopefully we'll have a hotel on Bourbon and if we do, it's more than likely one of the moms might get drunk and do something ridiculous." Spencer stated.

"That could be likely." Vivi added, then they continued to eat dinner and when they were finished, Spencer paid the bill and they left and headed to their homes.

Three weeks later, it was October 8th and that was the first day of the 2012-13 dancing season and in the parking lot of the Abby Lee Dance Company, the vehicles of Abby, Spencer, Gianna and the rest of the ALDC faculty were already there and the vehicles that have the moms and girls arrived and everyone shared hugs, but however, there were three that were missing in action, Kelly, Brooke and Paige because what none of them knew, Abby and Spencer suspended them, it hurt them to do so, but they had no other choice.

They then went inside and got ready and the girls started dancing as their moms watched.

"Nia is slaying hip hop." Jill complimented.

"Thanks." Holly stated.

"No problem."

"Go get em, Kenzie." Melissa said.

"Abby and Spemcer are gonna be really proud to know that you're all ready for the new season." Christi told them.

"I bet that too and i bet Chloe's gonna improve on her hip hop since Spencer taught her the week of the recital last season and i've gotta say he did a fantastic job teaching Chloe hip hop." Melissa agreed as Christi nodded.

"Question, does anyone know where Kelly, Brooke and Paige are?" Christi wondered, she like the other moms were mystified on where the Hylands were.

"No clue." Jill admitted.

"Maybe Abby and Spencer might know something we don't." Holly stated.

The door from the Dancer's Den opened and coming in were Abby and Spencer as the moms looked on, they had come in without saying a word as the girls stopped dancing and saw the Millers head towards the pyramid.

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