Chapter 12: Arrival of Kristie and Asia

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Two weeks had passed and the upcoming competitions that were supposed to be held on the 19th in Cincinnati and the 26th in Grand Rapids had been cancelled due to unexpected snowstorms and at the studio, the day was January 28th.

"Spencer, Vivi, did your mother forget to tell you that we're gonna have a new member of the team?" Gianna told her boyfriend and Vivi.

"She actually did tell us that last week." Spencer said.

"I sure did." Abby said

"Also, i called the competition before i left my house and they let me know that the Wicked Witch of the West and her accursed Apples will be there too."

"Oy, vey." Abby and Vivi muttered.

"I said the same thing too."

Minutes later, the girls and moms all walked into Studio A where Abby and Spencer were standing, like usual, they talked about the competition and then next was pyramid.

"Let's get to the pyramid, usually we start from the bottom, but this time we'll start from the top." Abby said as she revealed Chloe's headshot, which was on the top of the pyramid. "Chloe, you were the overall high score. You did a great job with your solo."

"Next on the pyramid is...." Spencer revealed Maddie's headshot which was one of three in the middle section of the pyramid. "Maddie, like Chloe, you did a great job with your solo and to be honest with you two, it could have gone either way."

"Next..." Abby revealed the next headshot, which was Brooke's. "Brooke, you were first place overall in the teen division, even though you got first, some parts of your dancing still need a little tuning."

Spencer revealed Nia's headshot. "We have Nia, Your technique in the group dance was a little better than last time, but still, work on that a little more."

"Next is..." Abby revealed Paige's headshot. "Paige, you're getting there, but you need to bring it more if you don't want to be flying under the radar, but you didn't draw my eyes in a negative way."

"Next..." Kendall's headshot was revealed by Spencer. "Kendall, your dancing was atrocious and that is why the group got seventh place and that's worse than being second!"

"Next up is..." Abby revealed Mackenzie's headshot. "Mackenzie, we don't have much to say since you were caught busted doing cartwheels when you needed to be staying off your foot, you didn't think i would find out? Spencer, Vivi, Nia, Christi and Kelly all saw you and we found out from Nia, we love you and all, but don't ever try anything like that again! Got it?"

Mackenzie nodded nervously as Paige raised her hand because she noticed there was an extra photo on the pyramid that was covered next to Mackenzie's photo.

"Yes, Paige?"

"We noticed that there's another picture there." Paige observed. "What could be happening?

"Paige, We were about to get to that, but thanks for pointing that out, you all see that ther is another picture." Spencer stated. "Mom has already told me this and now you're about to know this, we've got a new member of the team, She and her mother told Me, Mom and Gia that they want to make the commitment and now..."

Spencer reached over to reveal the mystery new member, he removed the cover and the picture had a girl around seven with brown hair and brown eyes with a fierce look on her face and her name was Asia Monet Ray, who danced on AUDC.

"Asia will be joining the Abby Lee Dance Company." Abby announced as Maddie and Chloe had excited looks on their faces, Mackenzie looked a little nervous as the other girls were excited, the moms looked at each other as Jill wasn't happy over having another member of the team. "She was a contestant in the Ultimate Competition that me and my son judged this summer and her mother signed the contract you other moms signed, which means they are here for the duration and you never know, they might be here next year if they want. Asia wants to learn from us and to be honest there isn't any competition among you."

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