Chapter 3: Dancin' in the Mile High

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In Denver, a city in the state of Colorado and it was also known as the Mile High City and it was raining. Also, it was The day of the first competition of the new season and it was goiing to be held at the Rangeview High School with the classrooms being used as dressing rooms and seen approaching the building were the Abby Lee Dance Company and they had umbrellas.

"Ugh, it had to rain." Christi complained.

"At least Spencer warned us it was going to rain." Melissa stated.

"He checks the weather frequently for cities that we travel to for competitions." Holly told Shelly.

"Spencer's on it, isn't he?" Shelly commented.

"He is." Gianna stated. "That's why we love him."

"We sure do." Abby said.

"And i love you all too." Spencer responded.

"Mom, what's gonna go first?" Vivi asked Abby.

"The solos, then the group." Abby answered and they approched the door and Spencer opened it to let Abby, Spencer, Gianna, Vivi, the girls and moms in first., then he entered last and got them checked.

"Spencer takes a lot of pressure off of Miss Abby and Miss Gianna." Ally complimented.

"He does, he helps them out with choreography." Kendall said.

"And it rubs off of us when we compete." Chloe added.

"Yeah." Maddie agreed.

"He's also the peacemaker, whenever our moms fight each other verbally, he steps in and puts a stop to it." Nia stated.

"And everything will be good." Mackenzie said, then they all entered a dressing room, which was a dance room and they took their seats at the make-up tables.

"All right, you're the defending national champions so be sure to be on your best behavior and we don't want to see any bratty crybabies, get the memo?" Spencer told the girls, who nodded and he looked over at Mackenzie. "We're serious."

The girls then got changed into their costumes first before their moms helped them with their hair and they did their makeup.

"Are the solos first?" Jill asked.

"Yes, the solos are first." Abby responded.

"Since the solos are first, can we get some guidance on the group?" Holly wondered.

"We didn't even think about that, Holly. We see everybody today." Spencer said.

"What he said." Abby commented.

"But you won't see Nia perform since she doesn't have a solo, we came here from Chicago as a team, so..."

Abby and Spencer rolled their eyes and looked each other, then they looked over to Holly.

"Holly, this is mom's team, my mom knows what she's doing."

"You mean our team." Abby corrected her son. "You're technically a part of the faculty since you've helped me and your girlfriend out with choreography."

"Yeah." Gianna agreed.

"Our team i mean, when we know what we're doing with the group, you'll know and until then Holly, zip it and let it go because you are only making yourself look desperate."

The girls then did their last run through.

"Chloe, you're the defending soloist national champion, don't mess up." Abby told Chloe.

"I won't mess up." Chloe declared.

"Good." Abby and Spencer smiled and a minute later, Maddie, Chloe, Mackenzie and Kendall headed to the stage while Abby, Spencer, Vivi, Gianna, Nia, Ally and the moms took their seats.

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