Chapter 19: Facing the new Candy Apples' Team

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The next day, Abby, Spencer, Vivi and Gianna were at Denny's for a post-birthday breakfast for Spencer before heading to the studio to start a new week of rehearsals as Nationals in New Orleans was getting closer.

"You stole the show at the recital last night with your rap performance." Abby told her son.

"Yeah, you even had your mom dancing in her seat as she was directing." Gianna commented.


"Do you know where the next competition will be?" Vivi asked.

"I got word that it'll be in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and also, i was also informed that Cathy aka the Wicked Witch of Ohio is going to be there with her rotten apples and also, they've got two additional dancers named Lucas Triana and Brooke Shore aka Brooklyn."

"Ugh." Gianna sighed.

"What Gianna said." Abby stated.

"Abby, Spencer, i remember two days ago that you two are gonna be judging a competition and i'll have to fill in the week you go, if Kendall and Jill show up at the studio, what should i do?" Gianna wondered.

"Good question." Spencer said.

"We'll think of something." Abby told her assistant choreographer.

"They sure will." Vivi stated.

"And with Cathy coming, we need a secret weapon that can match fire with fire." Gianna told them.

"Great idea, Gia and i know the one in mind." Spencer commented.

A few hours later at the studio, the girls and their moms except for Kendall and Jill were in Studio A and Abby and Spencer stood near the pyramid.

"Congratulations, everybody." Abby told the girls. "The annual dance concert is over and it went off without a hitch, also, we celebrated Spencer's 20th birthday."

Everyone applauded for Spencer and he smiled as Abby gave him a one arm hug.

"We love you, Spencer." Chloe stated.

"I love you all too." Spencer responded, then his face changed into an serious expression, which meant that it was time to get to business. "All right, let's get to the pyramid. Mom, you start."

"Thanks, Spence. First..." Abby revealed Kendall's headshot. "We have Kendall, she wasn't there and we gave her the opportunity to do the new solo, but her mother acted like a drama queen."

"Next..." Asia's head shot was revealed as Spencer spoke. "Asia, you did good with your solo, you do all those really exciting tricks, but you couldn't put your pants on right, at least you did it well, we'll give you that."

"Next, we have..." Abby revealed Nia's headshot. "Nia. Nia, what is that you can do better than everybody else? It's good and all, but it isn't excellence."

"If you two had probably given her a little bit more of your time--"

"Holly, shut up." Spencer glared at Holly and the glare made Holly stop talking and he revealed Paige's headshot. "Next is Paige. Paige, your turns in the group were good, but they needed a little tuning."

"Moving up..." Abby revealed Mackenzie's headshot. "Mackenzie. the dance track magazine said you were a fantastic nerd in the photoshoot, but you didn't know enough nerd moves or poses."

"Next..." Spencer revealed Maddie's photo. "We've got Maddie. You were marvelous in the group."

"And next..." Abby revealed Brooke's headshot. "We have Brooke. Brooke, you sang your song "Summer Love Song" near the end of the routine and had the crowd singing and dancing."

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