Chapter 17: Finding out about Cathy's new team

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In Los Angeles, Abby and Spencer were seen arriving after flying in from Chicago to film the second season of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition and they were in the taxi van that was going to take them to the theater, where ir would be filmed.

"We're finally back in L.A." Spencer commented.

"Yeah, we originally wanted to move here along with the studio and even though it's warm year round here regardless of the season, our home is in Chicago as cold and chilly as it can get in the fall and winter." Abby added.

"It sure is." Spencer said. "Mom, did you know that Cathy's all boy team fell apart?"

"I'm not surprised, Gina and Zack saw the writing on the wall and i'm glad they left because Cathy is holding them back." Abby responded.

"Me too."

"Also, like last season of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition, you'll be judging alongside me and two other judges like you did last season." Abby informed him.

"Hopefully the moms of the dancers that make it don't pick a fight with us."

"Don't count on it."

In Canton, a town in Ohio, there was a building on 20th and Whipple and that building wasa dance studio named Candy Apples Dance Center, everyone who was on the Candy Apples Dance Center was there except for Zack and his mother Gina, who left the Candy Apples after they had been talking to Abby through the prevous week and also leaving was Bryant Culler and even Gino, but there were five new members of the team, two of them was familiar because that dancer has danced for Candy Apples before and that was Ayla and behind her was her mother, Anne and another CADC dancer, who is an 11 year old with light brown hair and aqua eyes named Tara Johnson Izzy stood next to Cathy and there would be a new member of the team that Cathy had in mind.

"I've had a horrendous week, we lost to Abby and her crew and i do not like the feeling of losing." Cathy told them. "But i'm even more determined now to take this country by storm. You know, it's Candy Apple Town or nothing. Jalen, you and Nick have danced with me for a couple of weeks, that's why you're back. Ayla, Anne, welcome back and also, let's welcome Tara Johnson and her mother Shari to the team and you three girls are new here and were hand-picked. Let's welcome Hadley Walts and her mother Yvette, Campbell Reynolds and her mother Alli and Mari Dudash and her mother, Gina. Hadley, you have star quality and i'm also glad to have your mother too."

"Thanks." Yvette stated, she and Cathy had the same goal and that was beating the Abby Lee Dance Company and she still has not forgotten when Abby and her son called Hadley Roadkill and Overrated in the first season of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition.

"You're welcome and i know you want nothing more than to go against Abby and that cretin she calls a son and show them how much she has improved."

"He is a cretin." Izzy said as everyone laughed, then she turned to Campbell first and she would speak to Mari next. "Campbell, mom has told me that you've got an amazing presence onstage and Mari, from what we've heard, you have amazing extenstions and that's why we invited you."

"This is a huge opportunity for you all. To be honest, i do not have any idea who'll have a solo this week or who's gonna have highlighting done in the group dance until we start looking at what you can do. Not only am i looking for a team that's good and solid to take not only the nation, but the world by storm." Cathy stated. "Not to mention Abby, who's as huge as the nation...someone may go home. This could be a contest for all of you, but i need to know that you guys are gonna defend me come h-e-double hockey sticks or high water and we'll be heading to Grayslake, Illimois to compete at Dance USA."

"Mom is more serious and more determined now than ever. You have to let us know that this right now is what you want really badly you can taste it and it's sweet like a candy apple." Izzy added and they began.

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