Chapter 10: Jill vs Kaya

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At the Xpressions dance competition, which was held in St Louis, the girls were on stage doing their group dance, Maddie and Nia had already done their solos and they were going up against Nicaya, who had a solo and the ALDC's dances were tributes to the Millers deceased dog, Broadway Baby and when they were done, Kaya began talking.

"Abby, Spencer, did you two notice that Nia was like a whole beat of everybody?" Kaya told Abby and her son.

"Nia?" Spencer stated.

"Yeah." Kaya said.

"No, she wasn't." Abby added.

"She was."

"Nia dances like she has two left legs." Kaya taunted.

"We are not gonna engage with you." Holly calmly stated.

"Well, why did you say something to start with?"

"I'm disengaging."

"That's very rude." Spencer told Kaya.

"Look, there can be more than three rude people here today, there is enough rudeness from everybody and if you're gonna critique something, you would have known that Nia was a beat ahead of everybody." Kaya retorted as the moms and Gianna just rolled their eyes

"I'm gone." Spencer simply said as he got up to leave, he clearly had enough of Kaya.

"Me too." Vivi stated.

"Spence, Vivi, wait for me, i'm right behind you two." Abby added as she also got up and followed her son to the doors that led to the Mezzanine and even the moms were getting really annoyed by Kaya being rude to them, Abby, Spencer, Vivi and Gianna.

"You two didn't let Patsy run you out of here did you?" Kaya asked as Abby, Spencer and Vivi kept walking. "Those two can dish it out and go off on everyone, but when somebody tells them something, they don't want to hear that and to me that's a punk move and that shows they can't even take it and the Blackhawks aren't gonna win the Stanley Cup this season, the Blues will! Also, you see Kendall and she can't even dance either and that was my first time watching her."

The moms were starting to get even angrier from hearing the comments that Kaya had just made about not only Nia, but Kendall as well as they got up to leave.

"Jill, you heard that Kaya said that Kendall can't dance." Melissa told Jill.

"I did." Jill said, not happy about what she had heard.

"As much as Abby and her son say we were born in insane asylums, i think Kaya was born in an insane asylum somewhere here in St. Louis." Kelly commented.

"I know, right?" Christi commented as Abby, Spencer and Vivi were in the Mezzanine a few minutes later and he had some popcorn.

"Mom, we're not gonna let her think that she ran us out of there, we left gracefully with dignity." Spencer said.

"We sure did." Abby agreed, then minutes later, they could hear some yelling and they headed to see what was going on and saw that the yelling was coming from Kaya and she was yelling at Jill. "This is gonna get good, do you two want some popcorn?"

"Sure." Abby and Vivi answered as Spencer handed them some popcorn and they ate it while they watched Jill and Kaya fight.

"That little girl cannot dance! Your daughter cannot dance!" Kaya yelled. "Honestly, i thought that Nia was the one that had to work her way up, but she dances circles around Kendall!"

"You know what?! We said the same thing about your daughter!" Jill responded.

"You don't want to go there with me, i'll kick your tail all over this place!"

"Who started this?! Who started this?!" Jill wondered as the crowd was watching.

"This is kinda hysterical seeing Jill trying to act all hoodrat." Christi stated.

"I know, you're more than likely to see stuff like that in the south and west sides of Chicago." Kelly commented.

"You don't want none of this, i could even take on that Michael Jackson lookalike that Abby calls her son!" Kaya told her, then she turned to Spencer. "Yeah, that's right, i'm referring about you!"

"So how about you head somewhere before you end up picking on the wrong person? Also, you should leave Nia and Kendall alone." Spencer suggested.

"Like you're one to talk, you little punk!" Kaya snorted. "You're a loser and i bet Abby is a loser since she gave birth to you and even that midget you call a sister is a loser!"

"Don't you talk about my mother and sister that way, our mom might have her moments at times but at least she still has dignity and at least the moms in her studio are more sane. But i can't say the same about you and your behavior is the reason why mom gave you and Nicaya the boot last season, so here's some advice that i'm gonna give you and it's this, In the words of Ice Cube...You better Chickity Check Yo'self before you Wrickity Wreck Yo'self." Spencer retorted caolmly and everyone applauded the way he stood up for his mother and the moms while Kaya looked slack jawed as she was trying to come up with a response, then he turned to the audience who was watching. "Ladies and Gentlemen, i apologize on behalf of my mother's studio, the Abby Lee Dance Company."

"Your kids are punks, Abby! apologize for that!" Kaya snapped as she started to walk off to find Nicaya. "Where is my daughter?"

"We are not a part of that and we are really, really sorry that this happened." Abby added as everyone applauded for her and Spencer again and the moms did too. "We are really sorry."

"Well, i'm done talking and i'm disengaging!" Kaya shouted as she walked off and the moms went to the elevator that would take them to the level where their dressing room was as Abby and Spencer went back into the audience and then the moms were in the dressing rooms and sat at the makeup table.

"Hopefully that's the last we'll see of that psycho." Holly stated.

"I highly doubt it, we'll probably see her again one way or another." Melissa said.

"Glad Spencer was there and put a stop to it when he did." Jill added.

"I'm speechless because of what just happened." Christi admitted.

"Me too." Kelly added. "Spencer saved the day and that's why we love him even though we all drive him and Abby nuts and they drive us nuts."

"We sure do." Melissa agreed, then a couple of minutes later, Gianna stuck her head in.

"Moms, it's time for awards." Gianna informed as Melissa, Christi, Kelly, Holly and Jill all headed back to their seats where Abby, Spencer and Vivi were.

"Before we start with awards, i'd like to address something that happened here a few minutes here and for those who were out there in the Mezzanine during that incident, i'd like to sincerely apologize from and myself, but thankfully, Spencer Miller, who is Abby Lee Miller's son diffused the situation, so let's give him a hand." The announcer said, pointing at Spencer, who got applause from the crowd and the dancers, then he stood up and waved.

"That's our big bro in arms." Paige said to the girls.

"You know it, twinny." Chloe agreed. "We're so glad to have him in our lives."

"We sure are." Maddie added.

"We do not tolerate that behavior, the person that started the fight in the Mezzanine has been removed from the competition." The announcer added, referring about Kaya getting removed from the competition, which meant that Nicaya was DQ'ed as everyone applauded and in the staircase, a teary Nicaya was comforted by her mother, then they left and in the junior soloist division awards, Maddie got first, Nia got second and in the group awards, the girls got first and then they all headed back home to Park Ridge in the Chicagoland area.

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