Chapter 4: A Sit-In, Calling in the replacements

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That Monday, the moms were in the parking lot after getting out of their vehicles and the girls all went in the studio. The only moms who were already in the studio were Melissa and Christi and Maddie and Chloe were in there as well with Shelly and Ally as Mackenzie wasn't there because she wasn't feeling well and Abby gave her the week off, then Jill and Holly began to talk.

"Where is our newest addition?" Holly asked. "Do you think we scared her away?"

"She's probably in there watching Ally having privates with Abby and Spencer or cleaning the bathroom." Jill predicted as she and Holly laughed, then they began talking about Kelly's suspension.

"Kelly left for a reason and i don't blame her and feels that this is not the place for her and we should demonstrate that she should be here and belongs with us and we want Kelly back." Holly said.

"That's the plan, because if we accept that she's suspended, then that means Abby and Spencer win and we're giving in to what they want." Jill stated. "Also, what's the plan?"

Meanwhile, in Abby's office which has a connecting door to Studio C, Abby, Spencer, Vivi and Gianna were doing some research on where the next competition would be at.

"Ok, we're gonna head out to Fort Wayne to compete at Xpression dance." Spencer stated.

"So what dances will be on there?" Gianna wondered.

"We're gonna have a group dance like we usually do and four solos." Abby answered.

"Sounds like a plan, Abby." Gianna said, then she, Vivi. Spencer and Abby were seeing Jill and Holly walking past the front desk and went into the ladies' bathroom together as the three had confused expressions on their face.

"What's that about?" Spencer wondered, scratching his head as he was trying to comprehend on why the two moms went into the ladies bathroom.

"To be honest, i don't have a single clue." Abby admitted.

"Me either." Then the could hear Holly and Jill talking and they could not make what they were saying, the two moms walked from the bathroom and past Abby, Spencer, Vivi and Gianna, then they sat in some chairs, being quiet.

"Ladies, how was your weekend?" Spencer asked and neither Holly and Jill answered him.

"We aren't gonna say a single word to any one of them." Jill thought.

"One word to them and that's gonna prove to them that they were right to suspend Kelly, Brooke and Paige." Holly also thought.

"Mom, Gia, i'm trying to be nice to them and they aren't saying a word to me." Spencer complained.

"You know what? I have a feeling that they were being really suspicious." Abby said to her son.

"At least you gave it a shot, though." Gianna assured him and a few minutes later, they knew it was now time for Pyramid and Spencer went to see if Kendall and Nia were in the Dancer's Den as Jill and Holly had left the are near the front desk.

"Girls?" Spencer called as he entered the Dancer's Den and nobody was in there. "Come on, we want to get going for the pyramid, Maddie, Chloe and Ally are waiting! where are you? Girls?"

There was no answer and that didn't sit well with Spencer as he headed back to the rear entrance/exit where Abby, Vivi and Gianna were standing.

"Did you find Kendall and Nia?" Abby asked.

"No, mom, they were nowhere to be found and like you said earlier, those moms are being suspicious."

"Maybe should call one of them and hopefully get an answer to this mystery." Gianna suggested.

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