Chapter 7: The Garden

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A month has past since the joining of Fairy Tail's newest member Marigold. It was early June. Liddan walks into the Fairy Tail guild hall happily. He is greeted as he walks in by many of the members. When he looks to his left he sees Nashi and Marigold sitting half dead at a table with Gideon and Malcon.

"Hey Gideon, what's wrong with them?" Liddan asked sitting down next to the pale and lifeless Marigold. 

"Rents coming soon and they've been working requests nonstop for a week." Gideon replied poking Nashi in the cheek to see if she'd wake up.

Liddan picks up some of Marigold's hair and drops it. "Do you think we should take 'em home to make sure no one takes advantage of them while they sleep?"

Gideon nodded his head, replying with a simple, "yeah, that would be the right thing to do. Right..." As the two of them continued to nod, they each looked up and made eye contact, silently deciding that they would do the fun thing rather than the right thing.

It wasn't until an hour later when Marigold woke up, Nashi still by her side asleep with a pool of drool building on the table. Most of the guild members surrounding her had grown accustomed to Nashi sleeping in the guildhall, as it was a regular thing. So Marigold addition was not much of a change. As Marigold lifted her head, her hair a mess and her eyes only half open, her eyes peered around the room as she wore an expression blatantly saying, "where am I again?" 

As she recollected herself, and her memories, she realized she and Nashi had fallen asleep in the guildhall. She smacked her forehead into her hand, disappointed in herself for the foolish mistake. However, the shame soon disappeared as she remembered another thing.

"What time is it?!?" She jerked her head around to anyone with an answer, completely unaware that "Kiss me I'm green" was written across her face. 

Mira, alarmed by the desperation the young girl had answered quickly. "It's half past noon." 

"Crap!" Marigold hissed, standing up quickly. "I was gonna try and get there in the morning! Can't believe I slept past noon!" 

Liddan, Gideon, and Malcon all sat at the counter, watching Marigold struggle to gather all the things she'd come with. As she stumbled out of the guild hall, they sat in bitter disappointment to find no response from their efforts. 

Nonetheless, the sudden exit had Liddan curious. Turning to Malcon and Gideon, he asked, "Where do you think she went?"

Gideon shrugged, however Malcon lifted his paw to say something. "Beats me, but I have noticed she's never really here in the morning when Nashi is..." 

Liddan turned his head as he placed his hand on his jaw, looking forward as he sat deep in thought. After a moment, he dropped his hand onto his knee and released an exhausted sounding sigh. "Welp, I guess we better go stalk her."

"Aye!" Malcon hopped up excitedly, Gideon remaining in his seat uncomfortable with the plan.

Gideon swallowed, perhaps breaking into a sweat as he tried to find a way out of getting involved in the potential criminal charge. He glanced at Nashi, finding a loophole. "I'm gonna wait for Nashi to wake up."

"Suit yourself. Come on Malcon." Liddan hopped out of the seat, watching Malcon spring wings and fly over him. Waving to Gideon in a hardy goodbye, the two left the guildhall to follow Marigold in a hurry. 

Gideon sighed, turning to Mira to see a plate of cookies sitting plainly on the counter. "Mira," he pointed to the cookies, "mind if I steal the plate?" 

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