Chapter 14: The Unforgettable Past

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Dedicated to Kristentouchet for the witty comment on the last chapter. Keep being awesome. (See guys, this is what happens to the awesome people who leave comments)

Nashi lay in bed as the sun peaks into her room through her window. She groans as it hits her eyes and sits up.

After yawning, she sticks her head out the window and shouts, "GOOD MORNING!!!" only to be scolded by her elderly neighbors.

She looked out into the river bank where the boat passed right on cue to set the town scene. She rubbed her eye, thinking back to what all had happened the day before. She blushed and smacked her cheeks to rid herself of the bashful feeling.

It was a fateful day 10 years ago. I was only a child. She thought, resting her elbow on the window sill. Well, before that incident, Gideon I fought all the time.

10 Years Ago.

"COME AT ME!!" Nashi shouted waving her flamed fists in Gideon's face.

"Shut up!! I already won!!" He shouted back.

Nashi stood bruised and battered outside of the guild hall.

"I'M GONNA FREAKIN' KILL THAT KID!!!" Lucy shouted, being held back by Natsu.

"Don't fight her battles 'mom', she isn't a kid." Natsu said casually.


Nashi swings at Gideon punching him in the face.

"Yeah! Go for it Nashi!" Liddan shouted.

"Whose side are you on?" Gideon groaned, "Some best friend!"

"Sorry dude, this is a family thing!" Liddan said with a laugh.

Layla stood next to Liddan, rolling her eyes over the dispute. Though she was no older than 5, she had a very diplomatic perspective of the world. Which was degrading to all her elders. After a few more punches are thrown, Layla walks over to Nashi and tugs on her shirt.

"This fight is meaningless, stop acting like an arrogant brat. You aren't nearly as powerful as you perceive yourself. Anyway, this isn't how a lady should deal with a crush. A real woman would be much more civilized towards her gentleman if she ever hopes to bear his children. Therefore you should stop trying to 'crush' your crush in this meaningless quarrel."

The crowd stands around in utter shock of what the 5 year old had just said.

Nashi's face goes red as she mutters, "THIS FIGHT IS MEANINGFUL!! I hate him and he hates me!!" She punches Gideon in the face, knocking him to the ground, then runs off.

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