A Special Gun

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I hated to admit it. But there was something special about him. Something that got me caught up in a way only one person managed until now. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I liked him. Maybe more than I should.

"Well then." I stood in front of an old theater, knocking on the wooden front door and leaning againstthe wall. It was a weird place. Mistah J always used to store all his little volunteers like the Red Hood here.

The door opened and I looked at Black Seven with noticing blood on his black gloves and coat, even all over his face. "Hello, Miss Quinn. Come in." He smiled and walked aside.

"Why, thanks. But, there's somethin' on yer face." I said, pointing at one of the many blood drops on Black Seven's cheeks.

He grinned and rolled his eyes, taking off his gloves and throwing them on the floor behind him. "Yah, I had to teach a person a lesson. But why don'tcha sit down and gimme a view moments tah get changed. Sadly, blood gets sticky." He giggled and somehow, I had to smile.

Black Seven turned around and disappeared in one of the many smaller rooms back in the big hall. 'Just throwin' things 'way, aren't we?' I felt a grin growing bigger on my face before picking up the pair of gloves and walking into a room where I could clean clothes.

'Nothin' changed here.' I couldn't wipe that smile off my face as I turned on the lights, looking around in the small room with a washing machine and a sink, surprisingly, as clean as nobody ever left that place.

I put my hands into the gloves, starting to wask the blood off them using warm water until they were all clean and let them dry in the air.

"Whatcha doin'?" I turned around to see Black Seven standing outside the room and peeking in with a wet towel in his hands.

"Oh, I, um, I-I-" the surprise about his appearance and angry voice scared me. Did I do anything wrong? 'Damn, why didn't ya just sit down, stupid?' I thought, watching Black Seven stepping closer and winced as he raised his hand. "I'm sorry!" I quickly said before turning my head and closing my eyes.

"I'm just wiping the water off my face, calm down, you didn't do anything wrong!" I opened me eyes, looking at him and trying to relax. "I-I didn't?"

Black Seven's blue eyes widened and he shook his head. "No, not at all, I was just...surprised. I'm not mad at you." He gave me a crooked smile but I didn't feel like laughing.

My hands started shaking as memories made their way through my mind, reminding me of the way Joker used to treat me. A year off obviously didn't help me getting over this.

"Are you 'kay?" Black Seven asked and I quickly nodded, refusing to admit that I wasn't. I wasn't 'kay at all. "Sure, just remembered somethin', no big deal. Here, I cleaned yer gloves." I expected him to just say 'alright' but he looked like he didn't buy my answer.

"Thanks, but ya don't seem very convinced 'bout yer own statement." He looked up and down my face and I wondered if he also saw that I didn't want to talk about it. At least I hoped that.

His eyes moved to the wall behind me and he moved his lips and raised an eyebrow, looking like he was...talking to himself? I shook my head. 'Nah, that'd be crazy'

"Shut the fuck up!" He suddenly screamed, turning around and punching the door behind him so hard it broke in half. I watched Black Seven, noticing that the dark blue coat he was wearing had a yellow seven stitched on its back. Along with a smiling mouth

"Sorry, just my weird personality." Black Seven turned around, smiling his creepy smile but I found it rather charming. "Nah, I'm used to that behavior." I giggled and was finally able to relax.

Black Seven kicked the broken door aside, gesturing me to follow him back in the big hall. "Y'know, I was actually going to ask you somethin' else but since you're bein' super helpful here, wouldcha like to help me catching a bird?"

Without a second thought, I jumped up and down, throwing my hands in the air: "Hell yeah!" I yelled, immediately stopping and trying to look serious. "I mean, sure."

"That personality." Black Seven smiled and moved his pointer finger in a circle around my face while walking over. "I like it."

Black Seven stopped one foot in front of me and looked down into my eyes. "I also found something that I think belongs to you." He reached into his coat and pulled out a silver gun which had Harley engraved on its barrel.

"Holy Shiii-tzu!!" My eyes widened as I saw it, immediately grabbing it and jumping up and down before hugging Black Seven. "Thank ya, thank ya! I thought I lost it. Thanks so much!" I almost started crying of happiness but blinked the tears away.

"Whoa, I didn't know it was that important to you!" Black Seven grinned and as I moved my head back and looked at him, I noticed the same kind of insanity I only saw in the eyes if one other person.

"Yeah, it was a gift from someone really important to me." I broke the hug and looked down at the gun in my right hand. "Every time we had some bumps in our relationship and I felt like he didn't care for me, I looked at this 'cause it made me feel 'right again, y'know?"


I crooked my head, narrowing my eyes and mentally talking to my friend. Until I saw that Harley's eyes saddened and she couldn't take her eyes off the gun.

"Don't you fall for that look! We need her on our side, not you on hers, so stop acting like you care for Harley!"

"If it's true what she said 'bout 'im, then her boyfriend must've been a hell of an idiot. And your comment to her wincing back there was awfully stupid. Even for you."

I ignored his laughter and stared at Harley for a view moments, noticing that she was close to crying. "I miss him." She quietly said and I quickly changed the subject to cheer her up. "How 'bout we get ourselves a view new guns 'n' stuff? At least I could use some, you can stay here if ya want to."

Harley looked up at me and her sadness faded. "Nah, I wanna come with ya, been some while since I did that, though." She smiled and put the gun in her gun belt and I grabbed my special black and purple gloves.

"Whoa, what are these? They look awesome!" Harley stared at them with big eyes as I put them on. "These are basically knuckle-dusters. I got bored with carrying 'em casual ones around in my pockets all the time so I designed these gloves. I can't move my fingers that easy because of these..."

I made a fist with my right hand and four spikes jumped out of slits on my knuckles. "They ain't as heavy as they're lookin' like though because the mechanics are very easy and I used iron only for the spikes, the rest's just leather an' three metal strings. Whatcha thinkin'?"

"Best gloves I've eva seen!" Harley moved her thumb over the spikes on my hand and her eyes widened. "They're hella sharp as well! May I use one tonight?" She looked at me but I shook my head. "You bettah not, 'cause they're pretty big for yer hands an' you should practice a lil before actually usin' 'em."

"Kay, hope I learn a bit 'bout the handling by watchin' ya tonight." Harley grinned and followed me out while I smiled. "Oh, you certainly will!" I quickly put the spikes back into the slits by opening my fist while we left the hideout.

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