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"But beware," Ami warns, "love is a complicated thing. It may either bring joy, satisfaction or dread. Don't say I didn't warn you," The bluenette looks up from her book. "That Haruka is..."


Each of your friends speak at the same time with Ami going "A sailor soldier," Minako saying "a lesbian," Makoto muttering "a two-timer," and Rei nervously speaking "in danger."

You freeze. As well as everyone in the room but Rei.

"What?" Ami questions with a pang of concern in her voice.

Rei looks up from the floor and replied with a shaky tone. "Yes. The fire told me she was slowly torn apart each time she saw [y/n]," The fire priestess muttered even quieter this time. "And each time more... enveloped..." Her voice lowered to barely a whisper. "In darkness."

You had a billion thoughts running to and fro in your mind. The outside world seemed distant. 

But only one question lingered heavy in your thoughts.

Am I burdening Haruka? 

"[y/n]?" Makoto seemed to say, with a sliver of worry.

Without saying anything, you stand up, get your things and walk out the door. You don't even know how you feel when you have first thought that. No tears were coming out of your eyes. 

A hand lands on your right shoulder and another on your left wrist, turning you around. "[y/n]?!"

You are too dizzy and your vision is too blurry to comprehend the outside world right now. You hear echoing cries of worry and raised voices but still felt like nothing. You could feel the life drain out of you. Each step feels like an agonizing eternity until bits of black cover your vision. Still, you fight your way out of the girl's grasp and kept walking. Rei's words come back into your mind.

"Stop that! [y/n], don't push it!" 

Each time more enveloped in darkness.

Hands grapple onto yours, one of your friends pulling you into a tight embrace. Still, you slide away from her.

Time more enveloped in darkness.

You kept walking and walking away, but one of the girls block you. 

More enveloped in darkness. 

Still walking, you accelerate faster... and faster. You are clearly exhausted but this stops you from fainting. This feeling in your chest rings at your mind that you have ignored the whole time. Green eyes burn into yours, but you ignore it and kept going.

Enveloped in darkness.

A desperate, shaking voice cries to you but you let it slide out of your mind.  "[y/n]! Answer me!" 

In darkness.

Suddenly, you become 10 times more weak, dizzy and tired. You take a few more steps, but still feel like a shell of what's inside of you right now. Why are you feeling this way? What is this feeling called? Is there any way to save you from this suffocating situation at the deep end of the pool?

You step with your right and gaze forward, a silver streak of salt and water stream across your skin. You put on a slight grin on your face. 


And you did exactly that.


Questions, concerns, complaints, or cupcakes? 

I'll see you possibly next week. Bye! :3

DISCONTINUED! (Sailor Uranus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now