A Little Peace and Quiet

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        It wasn't like the coffee was hot or anything; still, a couple minutes of chaos ensued.        

        "F-ck! Who are you?! And why did you pour coffee on me, you b-tch?!"

        "What did you say to me?!"

        "Girls calm down!"

        "No Anthony, I will not calm down!"

        "Are you alright honey? I don't think the coffee was hot luckily."

        "It was hotter than she is at least."

        "Excuse me?!"

        It took Chilled a great deal of effort to keep them from clawing out each other's eyes, and he couldn't get them to settle down. Finally fed up with the situation, Jess stormed out the front door and told Chilled, "Call me tomorrow, when she isn't around."

       "Wait Je-" SLAM.

        Minx, now somewhat calmer and less emotional, was starting to realize how stupid she really was. What the h-ll was she thinking? Pouring coffee on his girlfriend's head was definitely not the right way to get on Chilled's good side....

        Chilled and Minx were left standing there in his white-washed foyer, both confused and frustrated. Turning around to face her, Chilled gave Minx a stare that chilled her to the core. 

        "What," he started to say, "are you doing here?" He spoke slowly and deliberately, trying to hold back his anger. A dam ready to burst, the normally-warm Italian was on the edge, and Minx knew it. She swallowed deeply. 

'        "Well, uhmm..." Minx didn't know how to begin. Now wasn't exactly the ideal time to ask Chilled for a place to stay, but her choices were pretty limited.

        "I decided to stay in New York for a little vacationing, and I kind of need a place to crash....."

        A day ago, Chilled would have been thrilled to hear this. At the moment, however, he was a little annoyed.

        "So you come to my house...let yourself in...and pour coffee on my girlfriend?"

        Minx was suddenly very interested in the floral carpet pattern on the floor.

        Chilled sighed. "It was an accident at least, right?"

        If Minx ever met Mrs. Chilled, she would have to commend her for her choice of floor pattern; the flowers really brought a nice vibe to the room.

        Again, Chilled sighed. "What is wrong with you Minxy?"

        Minx's heart jumped a little when she heard her nickname. She had always liked it when Chilled called her that. She didn't move a muscle though, and continued looking downwards, both out of shame and self-pity. 

        Finally, after an eternity of stomach-churning silence and tension, Minx looked up and spoke, quietly.

         "I came here because I thought I could count on you. I thought you would understand. We are friends after all."

        That word stung Chilled's heart. Badly. Friends. Nevertheless, she had a point.  He was, by nature, a pretty nice guy, and he felt almost obligated to oblige her. And the look on her face, a sad, pathetic sort of look that said "I'm sorry" more passionately and effectively than 1000 words, put a knot in Chilled's stomach. He sighed loudly for a third time.

        "Alright. You can stay as long as you promise to not touch a cup of coffee while you're here."

        Minx's mood jumped and she half-smiled. Bomb defused.  "Thank you Chilled," she said as she put her arms around him in a friendly hug of gratitude.

        Chilled, strangely conflicted by this, gulped as he returned the hug. "It's going to be a long week." he mumbled to himself.


        They sat down for dinner, some old spaghetti Chilled's mom had prepared for him for while she was away. They ate, for the most part, in silence, breaking the barrier every once in a while with small talk and chitchat. Neither of them had anything important to say. Not anything they felt like saying at least. 

        Afterwards, they said their "goodnights" and headed their separate ways to bed; Minx to the couch, and Chilled to his bedroom. 

              Chilled, as recently usual, had issues getting his eyes to stay closed. The events of the day seemed so disordered, so nonsensical. He didn't even know how to begin to apologize the Jess. What was Minx thinking?! Why would she ever do something like that? And why was she acting so strange afterwards? None of it made any sense to Chilled, but he knew he wouldn't get any good sleep until he found a reasonable answer....

        Minx, lying down on the couch a story below Chilled, was facing a similar problem. No matter how much she tumbled and turned, she couldn't get comfortable or fall asleep. It wasn't the couch: that was quite soft actually. No. It was her head. It wouldn't let her get over the fact that she had poured (cold) coffee on Jess' head. A mixture of guilt and embarrassment had lingered in her system ever since that, and the way Chilled had looked at her earlier didn't help things. What was she thinking? How was what she did a reasonable solution to anything? How did she just let her emotions get the best of her? All she did was see Chilled and Jess kissing. Kissing. But it just brought something out of her. Something she couldn't control. She groaned and covered her face with a pillow, hoping she could smother away the bad feelings...

        The restless night went on. Slowly. Very slowly. Ticking on, and on ,and on, oh so slowly. Tick, tick, tick. Time seemed to be bending itself. Stretching itself ever longer and longer. Tick, tick, tick. Every sound blended together into an endless soundtrack; the repetitive chirping of crickets, the omnipresent sound of city traffic, the incessant ticking of a grandfather clock. Tick, tick, tick. That damn clock. It was an ever-beating metronome of torture and despair. Tick, tick, tick. They say the mind can't tell the passing of time as it rests. Apparently it can't tell while awake either. Tick, tick, tick

        It was about 5am when Minx decided that if she stayed in the room any longer she would rip that clock apart by hand: she stepped off the couch and through the kitchen onto a small patio overlooking Chilled's small urban backyard. 

        It was a breathtaking sight. Beautiful, lush greenery lined a varnished wood fence around the edges of the property. All kinds of flowers were planted in patches around the yard: roses, petunias, tulips. The dots of orange and velvet around the lawn were only matched by the colors of the rising sun. Streaks of pale peach flirted with the azure shades of the receding night skyline. Only a couple of stars were shining that night, but those that did shone bright, like sparkling outliers in a dark cosmos. Like brilliant lighthouses guiding the lost through perilous seas. Like radiant beacons of hope in an otherwise despaired void. 

        Minx, utterly at peace with herself and the chaos of life, failed to hear someone walk up next to her. Chilled. He simply placed himself next to her and said nothing, staring into the marriage of Night and Day as she was. Minx glanced at him, but also said nothing. For a period of time, they stood there, watching the warmth of the Sun embrace the cool of the night and sharing a moment of complete silence and serenity. They could forget about all the hysteria of the day before for that single blissful moment. It was just Chilled and Minx, alone yet together in a still universe.

        ......."Want to get some breakfast?"





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