Unexpected Plans and an Unexpected guest

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        After a couple more games of "Tome: Immortal Arena", Chilled and Minx decided to call it quits. Both were tired yet satisfied after a long 2 hour recording session, and it was pretty late by then: almost 12am in fact. They said their goodbyes, Chilled leaving with his trademark "I love you Minxy Poo!" and Minx with her equally original sarcastic laugh.

        After shutting off his computer, Chilled threw off his trusty Mario hat and shuffled his way down to the kitchen, hungry and thirsty. Chilled, a lazy and lousy cook, decided to just heat a pop tart and grab a glass of milk as a snack before bed. Halfway through devouring his cinnamon dusted treat, Chilled slowed down and thought about the last couple hours. He loved playing video games for a living, and he was very grateful for all his fans. He also had tons of fun while recording. But specifically, he had an amazing time playing while with his British buddy Minx. Chilled didn't know whether it was her great sarcasm or her completely negative responses to all of Chilled's relationship jokes, but he liked her a lot. He'd always liked her a lot, even in the first few games of Prop Hunt and TTT they played. But sometimes Anthony let his mind wander and wondered about the possibility of having a relationship with Minx. He knew for sure that there was no way in h-ll it would happen, but it made him happy to think about the possibility. Still, he had a girlfriend, Jess, that he liked a lot, and knew that Minx would never fall for him anyway. 

        Across the Atlantic Ocean, over 3,000 miles away, a certain British lady was thinking similar thoughts. Michelle, of course, had come to terms with her sexuality long ago, and was extremely happy with to be engaged to Krism. Still, she wondered "why does Chilled make me feel this way?" She felt so close to Chilled, almost past friendship. "Maybe I'm Bi," she pondered. Tired from recording she leaped into bed and despite all the thoughts flying through her head fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

        The next morning, Saturday, Minx awoke to some not-so-great news in an email: her aunt in New York had died. Minx was not very close to this particular aunt, but still felt sad that a family member had died. Her uncle had asked her in the same email to come to the funeral in the United States, which, unfortunately, would be held tomorrow, Sunday. This left Minx with a predicament: a last minute flight to the USA would not be cheap, and although she had over 700,000 subscribers on her Youtube channel, the money was just good enough for her to live comfortably and save a little. She would have to break those savings now for a flight. After thinking about it for a while and weighing the pros and cons, she arrived at the conclusion that going to New York was her responsibility as a niece. Consciously or subconsciously, the fact that she knew a certain Italian lived in New York may or may not have been a persuading factor. After buying a pricey ticket online, she glanced at her watch, 8:00am. The flight was at 10:00am. Cussing under her breath, Minx raced to shower and pack.

        Miraculously, she had cleaned herself , packed a single suitcase, and arrived at the airport at 9:30am. Luckily with her single bag she was able to go carry-on and skipped all the annoying airport security for other baggage. And so there she was, sitting peacefully in the pre-flight area waiting for the plane to arrive with a warm cup of coffee in her hand at 9:50. Amazed at her own feat of speed, she settled back and prepared for a peaceful flight.

        Which didn't arrive at 10am.

        Or 11am.

        Or 12pm.

        Only at 1pm did the flight finally arrive at the airport.

        By that time, Minx, and a majority of the other waiting passengers, were, simply put; pissed.

        "This is bullshi-t!" one man yelled at the airport staff.

        A chorus of angry jeers and insults followed and riot almost ensued until a staff member managed to find himself a megaphone and shouted "QUIET DOWN! WE ARE SORRY FOR THE DELAY BUT WE ASSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL BE COMPENSATED!" That quieted down the crowd. The same man, without his megaphone, stated in a loud apologetic voice "We will be giving free flights for your troubles. Please enjoy the flight." Satisfied, the once angry mob transformed into a pacified herd that boarded the plane. Minx checked her ticket for her seating: it was in the economy class of course, but not like that mattered anymore. She finally found her seat and settled down, ready to enjoy a relaxing flight.

        Which also did not happen.

        Minx hadn't taken a good look at the seats around her when she sat down and failed to notice that a pair of small ginger children, twins, was seated behind her. Those twins were about to make the next seven hours h-ll on earth for the British Youtuber, 

        Minx ignored the first kick to her seat. They were only children after all, and they couldn't help themselves. she ignored the second, and third, and fourth, and fifth, all the way up to the tenth. By then, Minx was sufficiently angry, but politely asked their mother, who was seated across the aisle, to control her children. The rather rotund redhead, probably Irish, responded:  "Trust me: if I knew how to I would." And with that, the large Irish mother donned a pair of furry earmuffs and quickly passed out in her seat,"

        In all, Minx was kicked 3,422 times over the 7 hour flight. She was greatly relieved to see the lights of New York below her when she glanced out the window. As she got up out of her seat, she glanced back at the two h-llspawns behind her and fantasized briefly about strangling them. That brought a smile to her face. 

        Her fantasy was interrupted by a burly man in a blue uniform tapping on her shoulder. "Excuse me," he said in a deep, stern voice. "You need to come with me."

        Minx's nightmare was extended by a mishap with the TSA, who were on the lookout for a British woman named Michaela. It somehow took 6 hours for her to explain that her name was Michelle, not Michaela. Finally, she was released, with sincere apologies from the TSA agent chief.

        By this point, Minx was too tired to even be angry. She was beyond exhausted actually. It was 2am in the f-cking morning and she didn't have a hotel to stay at because of the short-notice nature of the whole ordeal. Her uncle's house was way outside the city limits, and it wouldn't be worth it to take a taxi there.  Out of options, she realized that she had one friend who lived in New York. A certain Italian gamer.


        Anthony was peacefully sleeping in his bed that night. The day had been exhausting: there had been hours of Mario Kart with the Derp Crew and a good 3 hours of Gmod with Adam, Dlive, and Ohm. Strangely, Minx wasn't there. Chilled didn't dwell on this, and spent the remainder of the day editing and posting videos before finally heading to bed at 11pm. He was having a simply wonderful dream about video games and food when he heard a loud banging. Startled, he woke up but stayed completely still in his bed, not even turning on the light, the banging continued until his sleepy mind realized that it was someone knocking on the door. "Who the f-ck could it be at this hour..." he mumbled groggily. His parents had left for the weekend on a small trip, so it couldn't possibly be them...

        A half-asleep Chilled shuffled to his door, unlocked both the house and chain lock, and opened the door all the way without realizing the potential danger. "What do you want?" he mumbled tiredly, not processing who he was looking at.

        "Sup Chilled?"


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