The Tempest, Pt.1

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Note: Heyyyy guys. It's been a crazy FOREVER since I've updated, but what can I say? I've been very busy. Many apologies. Anyway, here you go. Enjoy!

        Chilled stopped breathing. "Minx?"

        "I know, it's crazy! Ever since I met you, I haven't been able to think about anything else! I thought we were just friends, but the dinner, and the department store, and the elevator, and...I just don't know what's happening Chilled." she said, panicked and panting. 

        Chilled walked over to the window and looked out into the night. A light rain was starting to fall. "Minx. I'm in love with you too."

        Her heart lept at hearing his words. "Really?"

        The rain was growing stronger, and could now be heard tapping on the glass windows. "Yes Minx. But...."

        "But?" she looked at him, twirling her brown hair around her finger nervously.

        Chilled sighed. He took one last look at the love of his life, then turned again to face the window. The slight drizzle had become a strong rain, shaking the trees and smashing the pavement. "I've thought about it a lot Minx. And this isn't healthy."

        Minx's heart dropped through the ground. "W-what do you mean?"

        "Minx." he said sternly, now turning to face her with his entire body. "We live across an ocean. You have a fiancee. I (maybe) still have a girlfriend. This just isn't going to work out. The entire week has been crazy fun, and I thought that we possibly had a chance. But it just isn't right." 

        The downpour turned even heavier, and a deafening white noise emanated from the raindrops pounding the roof. Minx looked up solemnly. "Is this really how you feel Chilled?"

        "Minx, I don't want to do this. If I had it my way, you would stay here forever, but you can't do that to Krism."

        "I love Krism, but I love you so much more Chilled. She doesn't even matter when I'm with you."

        "Don't say that Minx!" he shouted, competing with the noise of the rain. "Don't say that." he repeated, this time as a whisper.  "Krism loves you."

        "Well I love you Chilled!" she yelled, agitated. "Why can't you just accept that?!"

        Like the torrent outside, Chilled's anger was starting to build. "I'm trying to make this easier for both of us Minx! We're just going to get hurt, or hurt other people, if this keeps going!" 

        "Haven't you realized that I don't care!?!" Minx boomed. 

        "Well maybe you should! You shouldn't be such a heartless bitch!"

        "Says you! I bet you're just doing this to get back with JESS!"

        "What? No! Minx, don't be jealous like that! This has nothing to do with Jess!"

        "Oh yeah? How about that other girl? I bet you'd like to get with her!"

        "This isn't about her! This isn't about any of that! This is about US! There can be no "US"!

        "I can't believe you Chilled! One moment you say you love me, the next you're telling me that we can't ever be together!" She stormed over to the front door and swung it wide open. A flood of water and freezing air rushed in. 

        "What are you doing?!" Chilled shouted over the howling winds. 

        She stared straight through his eyes and into his soul. "F-ck you Chilled." With that she stepped into the tempest and slammed the door behind her. Thunder roared ominously.

        Chilled stared at the closed door for a couple moments, fuming. Then he realized what just happened. F-ck. "Minx!!!"



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