Sick Day

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Note: Sorry for the lack of a recent update, but I have been super sick and busy recently so it's been a little difficult to find time. Anyways, thank you all for your support, and enjoy the story!

        Minx rolled over onto her stomach, eyes still closed, warm and comfortable snuggled under the sheets. The bed below her was so cozy, so snug, so inviting. It was almost as if it was living, and hugging her.

        "Uhmm Minx?"

        She opened her eyes in response to the quiet voice and saw that she was on top of something living. The pleasant creature beneath her was, however, not the bed, but Chilled. Embarrassed, she tore herself away from him and fell off the mattress in the process, her cheeks bashfully pink. 

        Chilled, face almost equally red, smiled and laughed. "Sleep well?"

        "I think -achoo- I slept alright." Achoo! Minx picked herself up and sat back on the bed. She was now beginning to notice how utterly awful she felt. Achoo!

        Slightly concerned, Chilled asked "Are you okay Minx? You look a bit sick." She actually looked, Chilled thought, very sick. Her nose was moist and drippy, and she seemed to be shivering. Her ears and nose were also brightly rose colored, and not just from embarrassment. 

        Achoo! "I don't think i'm okay Chilled, I think i'm sick." Besides the constant sneezing, she also had a terribly sore throat and felt very groggy. She would have slipped back into bed next to Chilled if it wasn't for the pure awkwardness.

        "Stay here Minx. I'm going to get you some water and medicine." And with that, a worried Chilled scurried out of the room and downstairs in search of supplies.

        Meanwhile, Minx settled back into bed and stared out the window to pass the time. It was still raining, but the torrential floods of the last night had lightened slightly to a strong drizzle. The thunder that had terrified Minx eight hours ago was noticeably absent, and she was grateful. Alone and fatigued, she soon fell back into an uneasy sleep.

        Chilled rummaged through the medicine cabinet, looking for the right cure. Cough syrup? Nope. Aspirin? Uh-uh. Foot cream? Eww. He sighed. Nothing for a cold. He would have to drive out to the drug store. But then he remembered that his parents had taken the car. Sh-t. CVS was two miles away. He glanced at his pair of athletic shoes in the corner of the room, and then out the window at the endless rainwater. F-ck. 

        It seemed like Minx had only been sleeping for a couple of minutes when a wet hand gently tapped her on the shoulder. Chilled.

        "Hey Minxy," he whispered soothingly. "Here's some water. And we didn't have any Tylenol, so I ran out and got some." He set the glass and bottle on a small table next to her and sat down.

        "Thanks-achoo!- Chilled." Her voice was quiet and raspy, and she was shaking. Sitting up, she  swallowed a pill and laid back down. 

        "You're going to feel a little drowsy, so don't"- Chilled's words drifted out of Minx's mind as she passed out again.

        "Oh Minx," Chilled quietly whispered to himself as he listened to her breathing grow heavy. Even when she was ill, she still looked very cute. Her bright red nose and ears looked adorable, and her sweet, shallow voice had made Chilled's heart jump.  It made him feel better about running four miles in the rain. Still dripping rainwater, he grabbed a towel and dried himself off. 

        Chilled knew he couldn't leave her while she was like this, so he settled into his chair and passed the time. Surfed the web. Read a book. Edited some footage. 

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