Where it Started

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It was a typical day for ChilledChaos and Mangaminx, two semi-large Youtubers who made their livings recording video games. Famous for their Gmod videos, they were instead recording a different kind of game today. Machinama, the unpopular overlords of Youtubers hoping to make money by gaming, had asked them to play and talk about a MOBA; "Tome: Immortal Arena". Naturally (and obligated by contract) they agreed, and the two were currently in a lobby waiting for the game to start. Neither had had any real experience playing MOBAs, but at least they knew how to play. Placed on opposite teams, it didn't take long for the friendly banter to start.

"I'm going," Minx chuckled, "to effing wreck you". Minx, a British women actually named Michelle, was as friendly and fun as she was cocky, and she had been introduced to Chilled by SeaNanners, a very popular Youtuber who made content similar to these two. Sitting comfortably at her desk, she wasn't quite sure what character to pick to play as. "Who should I be?" she thought to herself. "Maybe this one. It looks like a wolf. Wolves are pretty cool." And with that, she elected to play as Basati. Confident with her choice, she laid back in her padded chair and waited for the game to start.

"I'm going to destroy you," the affable ChilledChaos responded in a playful tone. Chilled, also known by his friends as Anthony, was an Italian-American gamer who lived in New York with his parents. Though his physical features and genuine behavior hinted little at his Italian side, he made it a point to bring out his cultural roots during his videos, mainly through his oversized Mario hat and his witty remarks regarding the Mafia. As he was introducing the video to his Youtube audience, he was also selecting his character for the battle. "Serefine looks very hot," he thought, and he wasn't just commenting on her fiery hair and red armor. "I'll pick this one," he decided as he clicked on the hellish hotty. Chilled also had to deal with teammates who insisted that he wasn't the real Chilled. Anthony chuckled as he read the chat: "totally the real chilledchaos" was emblazoned on the lower left corner of his screen in blue text. After a minute or two of preparation, the game started underway.

The game started innocently enough, with all six players fighting it out and gaining levels. For a while, Chilled and Minx were engrossed in the game. But eventually, Chilled broke the back and forth of disses and game info between him and Minx with a surprising challenge. "Minx," he began, "how about we have a little bit of a friendly competition, huh? Alright?"

"Okay." Minx responded quickly, still mostly entranced in the game but interested to see where Chilled was going with this.

"If I win," Chilled continued, "you have to go on a platonic date with me. And-"

"No." Minx interrupted, with cruel swiftness and certainty.

"But, but, I didn't, but I didn't even finish my statement! It was half, half a stateme-"

"No. The answer is already a no."

Chilled, apparently unperturbed, continued regardless. "If I win, platonic date. If you win," he paused for dramatic effect, "I will never make another joke about us being in a relationship ever again." Of course, Chilled knew that both of these options were equally unlikely to actually happen. The chance that Minx would agree to any kind of date with him was very low, no matter how "platonic" it was. And he had been making relationship jokes about Minx since Adam (SeaNanners) had introduced them to each other during a Gmod video.

"Hmm..." Minx muttered as she thought about his proposal while also slaying some minions.

"It's tempting right?" Chilled calmly said, though he was having trouble holding back his giggles.

"If I win I get to kill you in real life." Minx stated with a rather frightful cool.

"No, no, no, I want this to be do-able!" Chilled quickly cried out.

Setting himself up for the joke, it was only natural that Minx responded "Oh, I think you"ll find that's pretty do-able," chuckling.

Gloomily, the Italian said "You know what? You're just going to ruin any romantic feelings I ever had." He was being sarcastic of course, and was just playing around.

"Good!" the Brit replied, in a happy and bright voice.

They both laughed and continued their game. The banter and jokes continued, as if they were two good, old friends, which they almost were at this point. However, Minx was really starting to regret choosing the she-wolf now: she had misplaced her confidence in her character, as Basati only had melee attacks, and her team was starting to lag behind in strength. Chilled, on the other hand, was doing a great job with his hot heroine, and eventually his team won the match. During the beginning of the next match, one where they were on the same team, Chilled suddenly remembered their "agreement" and made sure to remind Minx. "Are you going to go on a platonic date with me?" he inquired in a happy and giggly tone.

"Go f-ck yourself Chilled." Minx responded with a smile on her face. She always loved recording with him. His jokes and warm personality brightened her day. But she knew nothing could ever happen between them. Chilled knew this also. Chilled had a girlfriend, and lived in New York. Minx lived in the U.K, and was engaged.

Oh, and she was also a lesbian.

The Platonic Lovers (A ChilledChaos + Mangaminx Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now