Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter 1

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Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter One

                “Kenneth, man, why did you let me flunk that test? You knew I didn’t stand a chance.” Jerrick is my closest friend and is always joking about how since I actually have a brain I should help him cheat. Jerrick is an idiot.

                “I don’t cheat, you know that. And I study. You should really try it sometime. If you made better grades I bet Mr. Camp wouldn’t be out to get you all the time.” I said reasonably. Mr. Camp, our school’s principle, had a thing about hoodlums in his school. Jerrick was hoodlum numero uno.

                “You’re probably right but I like to get a rise out of him. He is fun to irritate.” I just shook my head. My friend was a lost cause. “Hey, Kenneth?”

                “What do you want now? Another test next period or something?” I asked. I used an annoyed tone but his persistence didn’t bother me. I had put up with it since we were in fourth grade and we are in eleventh now.

                “If it was that I would have just bugged you about it not asked you.” The look he gave me said ‘duh’. “Anyways,” he said emphasizing the word so I knew we were moving on to what he really wanted. “I was just wondering if you were up for going to that party tonight after the football game.”

                Jerrick knew I didn’t like parties… or any crowded place for that matter. I wasn’t the type that likes to deal with confrontation. Actually the only people I could really be around without clamming up were Jerrick, my mom, and my little sisters Ashley and Reece.

                “I don’t know. That probably isn’t a good idea for me. It would be boring. You know I would just stand in a corner or something. I’m not a people person.”

                “I know that! But you have never been to a party before! You need to learn people skills, dude.” He was so serious about this that it made me laugh. “I’m serious!” he exclaimed.

                “That is exactly why I’m laughing.”

                The shrill, ear damaging school bell rang to tell us the school day was over. We had a pushover teacher last period and the class convinced him that we should take a day off considering it was Friday and the game was tonight.

                “Goodbye, class and good luck to the Lakeview Jaguars!” the cheerleaders yelled and the football players whooped and fist pumped as we left class.

                Everyone rushed to the buses and parking lot to get the heck off of school property since it was Friday afternoon.

                “So, about that party tonight, are we going?” Jerrick asked.

                “If you will shut up about it and never ask me to come to a party with you again, I will freaking go.”

                Jerrick punched at the thin air as if he had accomplished something. I suppose he had in a way. “Go home then, Mr. Moody. You aren’t ruining my mood. Pick me up at nine-thirty.”

                “You do know this isn’t a date and I’m not gay, right?” I asked smirking a little.

                “Yes. But I plan to get my party on and since you don’t drink you are the designated driver.”

                “If you say so, but when I am ready to leave I will leave with or without you. And if you do decide to ride with me on the way back if you puke in my car you are dead.”

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