Kenneth and thw Queen- Chapter 8

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Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter 8

                Two weeks after Kenny and Christy’s Big Waterpark Adventure a DVD came in the mail. It was Clay’s project with a letter saying thank you for helping him get an A. Apparently Christine got one, too. And of course we all had to watch it. Reece and Ashley loved watching that day back and I have to admit most of it was really funny. Some of our facial expressions were off the wall crazy. The end came where we all said good bye at the gate. Ashley claimed our copy as her own and stole it from the DVD player.

                Christine had found out about a school play and the auditions were this week. So on Tuesday after school we entered the auditorium. I took a seat and Christine went to the drama sponsor to sign up. She used the monologue from her pageant for the audition. She was great and the drama sponsor could see that too.

                Christine ended up getting a leading role and had rehearsals a lot. I hung around at rehearsals and watched usually. Eventually the drama sponsor decided since I was going to be around so much I might as well help and be a part of the show. He told me I was to be part of the tech crew. He also told me that I had to be an understudy since he was short on those. He gave me a role to learn the lines for. All I had to say about being an understudy was that the first choice better not get sick or injured.

                Being on the Tech Crew was actually pretty cool. I got to deal with lighting, microphones, and sound effects.

                I still had plenty of time to watch Christine rehearse though. She was the star of the show without a doubt. And she was a wonderful actress.

                After weeks and weeks of rehearsals and trying to get everything right it was show time. Everyone had their costumes on and their makeup done. The stage and props were set and the audience was filing in and taking their seats quickly. I spotted Bridgett from up in the sound booth. She took a seat next to my mom and Ashley. Reece was at home with May probably pouting and trying to cook up a scheme to get out of there and to the school auditorium.

                Once everyone was seated the show began. The lights over the crowd dimmed. I was on the tech crew and I was nervous; I couldn’t imagine how the actors must be feeling. I knew Christine wasn’t bothered though. She didn’t have stage fright and she never got nervous. Whether it was from years of pageantry and being on stage or just from lack of caring what people thought about her it was just yet another piece of the puzzle that is Christine.

The show was great. Everything went smoothly on and off stage. The crowd seemed to enjoy the performance as well.

                After the show officially ended I exited the tech booth and went to find Christine. I looked backstage but she wasn’t there. I searched the entire place. But I should have known better than to look for her since she is always the one that finds me. So I decided to sit down and wait. I took a seat on the edge of a row and in no more than three minutes there she was. “How do you do that?” I asked.

                “Do what?” she looked confused.

                “Never mind.” I decided I didn’t want to know.

                She shrugged. “The show was great! Don’t you think?”

                “Of course it was.” I reassured.

                “I loved every minute of it. Maybe there will be another play soon.” Christine said hopefully.

                “Let’s go find your fans.”

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