Kenneth and the Queen- Epilogue

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Kenneth and the Queen- Epilogue

                It had been two years since Christine had left her father’s house. In that span of time we had graduated high school and Christine had been placed back in Bridgett’s care. We graduated a year ago and we both decided to wait a year before going to college. My mom and Bridgett were more than happy to keep us at home for another year.

                Christine’s father had been found guilty with the help of Blake Maver. He had testified against him as he had seen him in a violent state where Christine was involved. When Christine returned to Bridgett’s house Bridgett cried all day. My mother had also cried all day.


Fast forward four more years and we were out of college and both had jobs with a theatre company—Christine as an actress and me as part of the tech crew. We were still together and still in love.

Christine and I were at our favorite place—the ice cream shop. We never got to come here much because we had moved away and we were constantly on the road. When we came to visit our families though we had to visit. This was an especially special trip though.

We sat in our usual booth and chatted normally. I was getting nervous though. I finally made my move. It was time.

I slid out of the booth and pulled Christine over to the edge of it. I knelt down in front of her and pulled the tiny box out of my pocket but kept it hidden. I held both of her hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

“You know I’m not always good with words but I’ll try my best.” I cleared my throat in preparation. “Christine, we have known each other for over seven years now and I have loved you since the beginning. You are the light in my life and when you aren’t there I feel like everything is dark. My life wouldn’t be worth living without you in it. Having you by my side and knowing you are safe means the world to me. I have wanted to do something like this for a long time. Something that tells the world that you are mine and I will never let you go. And this is me claiming you for the rest of our lives.” I reveal the box and open the lid. “Will you marry me?”

Her smile was so vibrant and her eyes were watery as if she was on the verge of crying. She leaned her head down to where our foreheads were touching. She closed her eyes and spoke. “Do you even have to ask?”

“It’s kind of a tradition.” I pointed out. “Humor me.”

“Yes, I will marry you.” she answered.

I took the ring I bought out of the box and slipped it on the appropriate finger. “I love you, Christine.”

“I love you, too, Kenneth.”

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