Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter 10

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Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter 10

                That night had been so perfect. Christine was so amazing and I cared for her so much and just like old times I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I marveled at how I had been so lucky as to meet her and be her friend. Having her in my life made each day seem brighter even if it was pouring outside. She made me feel like I was somebody. I mattered to someone. And Christine mattered to me too.

                One day, Bridgett broke the news to us though. Christine’s father was fighting hard to get Christine back. He had a good lawyer and probably a solid case. Bridgett’s argument, on the other side, was shaky. She didn’t have the evidence she needed to keep Christine for sure. Right now it could go either way, but it all depended on her father’s lawyer and how good he was.

                I didn’t really know the entire situation with Christine’s father but Christine seemed to take the news okay. She wasn’t about to give up her hope in Bridgett. She trusted that her aunt would do everything in her power to help.


                The day came when they had to go to court. Bridgett and Christine were dressed in business meeting appropriate attire and ready to go. I spent what I could of the morning with Christine before they had to leave. We said our good byes and drove off in separate directions. They went towards town to the courthouse and I went away from town to go home.

                When I went home I was basically attacked at the front door. “How was Christine?” “Did Bridgett seem confident?” “Do they know when they will be done?”

                “Christine was still holding up fine, Bridgett seems confident but she’s a business woman, and no, they don’t.”

                I waited around for a few hours hoping Christine would call sooner or later. When I finally did get a call it was from Bridgett instead of Christine.

                “How’d it go?” I asked immediately.

                “We don’t have time for that right now. Christine is missing. One minute she’s here and the next she’s not. Can you go and find her?” Bridgett sounded really panicky. I wanted to know about the situation but finding Christine was more important.

                I ran out to my car, ignoring my mom’s questions on the way out. I checked their house first with no luck. I went by the ice cream shop.

                I ran in the front door quickly. I stopped in front of the counter. “Milly, have you seen Christine?” I asked frantically.

                “No, dear. I’m afraid I haven’t.” she said shaking her head. “Is everything okay?”

                “She’s gone missing.” I explained. “If you see her can you call me?” She nodded and I jotted down my cell number. Why couldn’t everything just stay perfect? Like the night in the park.

                That’s when it hit me. I got to the park as fast as I could, ignoring the speed limits. I jumped out of my car and ran to the center of the park where you could see almost the entire playground. It had started to rain on my way over. “Christine?” I called. I was really panicking now. She had to be here.

                “Christine!” I yelled as loud as I could so I could be heard over the rain pounding on the pavement. My voice was shaking and I knew I had to find her or it’d be the death of me.

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