Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter 13

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Kenneth and the Queen- Chapter 13

                “Students,” a voice came over the intercom system at school. “As you are all aware, the annual junior and senior prom is tomorrow night. All students attending are expected to be on their best behavior. That is all.”

                The buzz about prom immediately sparked. I was in my last class before I got out for free period. My mom was forcing me to go to prom. Alone. Without a date.


                Trying to leave my house to go to prom was a disaster. I got ready fine and as I was about to head out when my mother insisted on taking photos.

                “Mom! It’s only my junior prom! You can take pictures next year. I’ll make sure I have a date and everything!”

                She huffed. “Fine. Have a good time! Drive safe!”

                When I got to our high school’s gym where the prom was held I parked and took my time walking to the doors. I wasn’t thrilled about being here. Not at all. If my mom wasn’t so unhappy all the time over me I wouldn’t have come. But it’s my fault that she is always so sad so I figured this is the least I could do.

                The gym was decorated with streamers, balloons, and tables that were all school colors. It was pretty atrocious. It was a stereotypical high school dance though. Dancing, snacks, punch, and a DJ. The works. I sat in a chair against a wall and people watched.

                Something caught my attention near the door. I turned my head to see a bunch of cheerleaders fawning over a dress. A dress I had seen before. Christine was standing in the entrance on the arm of Blake Maver. She was as beautiful as ever and I couldn’t stop wishing that I was the one with her.

                I could hear compliments float across the room. “Christine, you look gorgeous!” “Christine, I love your dress!”

                They finally made it past the crowd and entered the gym. All eyes were on the favorites for Prom King and Queen.

                Blake Maver looked very smug. He was smiling but not in a genuine way. It was closer to a smirk. Christine on the other hand looked like I felt. She looked depressed and completely unhappy. What had happened to my Christine? The Christine who almost always had a smile on her face.

                The DJ called for the attention of the crowd. “Let’s mix it up a bit. I’m gonna play a something slow. But here’s the deal. You cannot dance with your date for the evening. So I want everyone to pair up! One guy to one girl as soon as the next song starts.” I knew this was my chance to at least talk to Christine again. I rushed across the dance floor and the second the song started playing I grabbed her hand. She turned around to see who her partner was.

                “Hi.” I said nervously.

                She hesitated. “Hello.” She greeted coldly. She spoke and didn’t pull away. It was a start.

                I got flustered and blurted out “I’ve missed you.”

                Her features softened for a split second before she went back to being cold. But I noticed it. Christine was still the same. She was putting up a front. I didn’t know why though.

                “I’m glad you stopped leaving things in front of my house. Littering is illegal. And rude.” She stated.

                “Sorry.” I mumbled. I wasn’t really sorry. I had a sneaking suspicion that she ate the ice cream. I’m pretty sure Blake and her father didn’t care enough to know about her love for ice cream.

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