Chapter 8 "Certainty"

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My brows furrowed in confusion as I stared at the woman in front of me, trying my best to keep up my composure. My mind had eventually gone haywire hearing her called me King, and different questions had been running through my head, I couldn't think straight. Did that PI she sent discovered my identity? Did he still side with the Coldwells after my warning?...Did I slip up and did something that give up my identity?

How the hell did she figure out?

I balled my hands into fists, clenching my jaw as I was slowly losing control. Whatever she did to find out my identity, I couldn't let her tell everyone, especially Cliff, and jeopardize everything I worked for. I wasn't even halfway on my revenge, there was no way I would let her ruin what I started.

As I looked at her carefully, I noticed something flashed in her expression just for a fleeting moment, but it was enough for me to tell what she was doing. I was sure that that something was uncertainty, causing me think she was baiting me, testing me to see how I would react. I was relieved, but still, I knew I wasn't off the hook even after this, because if she had called me by real name, then that meant she suspected me as her daughter.

I snorted mockingly, trying to ease up the growing tension, "Did you already forget about me Mrs. Coldwell? I'm a Kensington...Alexandra Kensington. You mistook me for someone else."

She momentarily stared at me, "Maybe...maybe not...but are you really a Kensington, Alexandra?" she asked, smirking.

I smiled, and sidled closer to her, causing her to stiffen up, "Is that what your PI told you? That I'm a King?..." I paused when her calm expression turned into shock, "If you must know, I don't even know who they are."

She raised an eyebrow, "W-what are you talking about? What private investigator?" she asked, pretending.

"Noah Irving?...Does that name ring a bell?" I queried, causing her to let out a shaky breath, "Don't think I didn't know Mrs. Coldwell. You sent him to spy on me, to dig on whatever dirt I have...But let me tell you this, he couldn't find anything, because I have nothing to hide."

"People always have something to hide Alexandra."

I slowly nodded as if considering her argument. "Okay, then why did you call me King? Do I look like someone with that last name? Who are they?...If you're not hiding something, you're gonna tell me," I challenged, causing her to shift in her place as she momentarily avoided my gaze. She didn't answer right away, and I noticed how she was clenching her jaw, probably in anger.

Funny how I was feeling angry not too long ago because of her sudden claim.

She let out an exasperated sigh, looking back at me, "...Where is Lauren? I need to talk to her."

So, now you don't want to answer me.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but decided to let her off the hook, "She's still sleeping...but I'll wake her up, for you..." I said, and smiled, before stepping aside to let her in. She eventually made her way inside, and walked to the sofa to sit, causing me to shake my head in annoyance at how she acted like a welcomed guest at my home.

With a huff, I walked towards my bedroom to wake Lauren up. If Amelia wished to talk to Lauren, then I would allow her, so I could get rid of her eventually. I didn't want her at my apartment any longer, because I felt like she was spreading her dark vibe inside my home.

As I got inside, I immediately saw Lauren curled up, sleeping peacefully in the middle of my bed as she hugged a pillow, facing my way. Even though the room was a little dim, I could tell she was having a good sleep as her face looked so serene, and it made me smile, thinking how she found sleeping at my home, comfortable. 

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