CH1: New Me

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Hi guys so this is my first story on here I have a lot already written but I'm gonna post this chapter first and see if you guys want more. Hope you like it there's gonna be a lot of OCs and mature content may come later ;)

"Hey Ferb I know what we’re gonna do today” Candace woke up to the sound of metal being pounded and wood being sawed. “One day! One day is all I ask to have a peaceful day!” she groaned to herself before sauntering out of bed. Today was the last day of summer and Candace is gonna be a junior in high school and phineas and ferb are starting 8th grade. Next year they will be in high school and Candace was dreading it. It’s bad enough she has to deal with them at home but at school to? She could feel the headache now. She went to the bathroom and took a shower before putting on her signature orange shirt, white skirt and orange belt. She was brushing her hair when her laptop began to ring. It was Stacy her best friend. “Hey Stacy”

“Hey Candy it’s the last day of summer which means we need to go shopping!” I’m sorry girl but your look is so freshman.” I frowned at my outfit..i guess she’s right my style hasn’t changed since junior high. “You’re right Stacy” She said putting on her shoes. “Plus you wanna look good for Jeremy don’t you?” She blushed and looked at her hands. Her and Jeremy had been official for almost a year. He is gonna be a senior this year and Candace couldn’t help but feel sad that he was going off to college next year. “Alright Stacy I’ll meet you at the mall in an hour.” She said after hanging up. She went downstairs and into the kitchen where her mom was cooking and her dad was at the table reading a newspaper. “Hey Candace, going somewhere today?” Her mom asked flipping the last pancake. “Um yeah me and Stacy are going to the mall so..can i have $50.” Her father looked up from the paper. “$50 dollars goodness Candace what for?”  “I need new clothes i’m a junior now and i can’t wear the same clothes i did when i was a freshman” Her father chuckled but took out his wallet anyway. “Here candace but you need to get a job so you can pay for your own clothes.” “Will do dad thanks!” she said before running out of the house. Hey Candace!” She turned around only to see Phineas and ferb on a ferris wheel..”It’s a backyard carnival!” Candace averted her eyes and continued walking she learned to stop trying to bust her brothers a while ago because it has gotten her nowhere.

Candace P.O.V

“I really need a car” I thought on my 5 block walk to the mall. Jeremy has one he just got his license last year but since he’ll be gone next year i’ll need a car to visit him. “Hey Candace!” I saw my friend Vanessa in front of her mom's house waving me down. Vanessa is what every girl in the school wants to be like. She’s beautiful, cool, and her style is flawless. She’s a senior this year like Jeremy and that’s good because she tells me everything that happens in her classes with Jeremy that I should know about. “Hey Nessa what’s up?” i say as she joins me. “Nothing i’m bored out of my mind where are you headed?” “The mall Stacy and I are going clothes shopping. “OMG can i come with you?” she asked excited. “sure i could use some help with my “new style”. “OMG yaass i’ll make you look flawless and you should let me do your hair for the first day tomorrow.” “What’s wrong with my hair?” I said taking it into my fingers.. “’s so freshman year..and pointy..” “Ugh ok but if i don’t like it you’re changing it back”. “Trust me you will love it”.

We arrived at the mall and Stacy was sitting by the fountain when she spotted me. “Hey Candace! Hey Vanessa!” We met up with her and started our shopping montage..Not before I stopped by Mr. Slushy Burger to see if Jeremy was working, and YES HE IS! “hi Jeremy” I said dreamily leaning on the counter. “Hey Candace” he said as he leaned over but stopped mid way and retracted because he remembered that he’s not supposed to kiss on the job. He’s such a good kisser though and i longed for his lips... “Sorry Candace i can’t kiss you now but i will when i’m off” “I’ll have to hold you to that” I flirted back with a smirk. “I’m sure you will babe, but what brings you to the mall?” “Last minute shopping, see you tomorrow!” I said getting pulled away by Stacy. “Alright girl first stop Wet Seal.”

We finished about two hours later. Afterwards we went to Vanessa's house so she could do my hair. “So i’m thinking an updo.” She says and i shake my head in disgust. “Alright fine sit still” a while later i looked in the mirror and gasped. “Woah” I said..”Woah indeed” she said cockly.

Chronicles of Candace FlynnWhere stories live. Discover now