Ch:11 Head in the game

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It was on.
Sneakers squeaked against the gym floor and the crowds yelled enthusiastically for their team. Danville high was up against Paraklete High and it was a close game. Now that they were good again Jeremy's head was back in the game and his determination was strong. As he huddled with his team he looked up at the scoreboard. 17-19. They were down by 2 points with only 30 seconds left on the board. "Alright guys we can do this. Brandon I want you to pass the ball to Jeremey who will shoot for a 3-pointer" They both nodded at the coach who looked stressed but also determined. "Just get out there and play a damn good game!" The buzzer rang and they got back on the court.

Candace sat in the bleachers along with Vanessa cheering Jeremy and his team on. She had always admired his focus when he played basketball it was they way he used to be with his guitar. She wondered if after that little show he put on if he would ever go back to music but she didn't dwindle on the thought much longer she looked up amd saw Jeremy make the final shot just as the buzzer went off.  The crowd around her went wild. "There we have it folks! Danville wins 20-19 it was a close game! What a great way to kick off the school year! Thank you all for coming and have a great rest of your night" the guy on the microphone screamed into the mic making me laugh. The team jumped up and down celebrating before shaking hands with the other team. "Cmon" Vanesssa said tugging my arm down the bleachers. I got to the bottom and went over to Jeremy and jumped into his arms giving him a huge hug. He smiled. "Hey did you enjoy the game?"  She smile. "Of Course! Congrats!" He smiled and kissed her. "Sorry i'm all sweaty ima go to the locker room and change i'll be back" she nodded smiling and he walked off with his team to the locker rooms. Candace turned and looked at Vanessa who smiled knowingly and they walked out of the gym with the rest of the crowd.

Jeremy's team continued to celebrate in the locker room the coach gave a proud speech and tears were shed. (Yeah he's dramatic) Jeremy was one of the last in the locker room after taking a quick shower. He went to his locker to change his clothes when he heard a noise. He wasn't alone…"hello?" He yelled so anyone close by could here. He didn't care if there was anyone there he just wanted to make sure...he didn't get a response so he shrugged it off and proceeded to get dressed. He heard it again. But this time as he turned around a fist flew right into his cheek bone. He groaned in pain not expecting that. Je looked up and saw Declan smirking sinisterly. "Dude! What is your problem?!" He yelled in clutching his face.  "You think you're real tough don't you well last time you got a cheap shot and I thought I'd return the favor." He had a bandage on his nose from where Jeremy punched him at the SPOT. Jeremy groaned. "You again? Why can't you just take a hint and go away! It's not gonna happen bro! Candace is MY girl not yours and that was a real asshole move that you pulled the other day we were supposed to be friends!" Declan scoffed. "We play on the same team that doesn't mean we're friends. look you better watch your back because one thing I know is I always get what I want." With that he walked away leaving a fuming Jeremy behind glaring at his back.


Candace was waiting outside the locker room for Jeremy when Declan came out. He had a bandage across the bridge of his nose and Candace immediately tensed up. "Hey" she said when his eyes met hers.
"Hey" he smirked. "How's your nose?" She asked and he shrugged it off. "Eh this thing? I'll be okay don't worry about it." Candace nodded slowly. "I'm still sorry though. Especially if I may have led you on or anything but its just-" " Candace. You didn't lead me on. I'm just the type of guy who knows what he wants and I want you." Candace's eyes widened. "W-well Jeremy-" "I know but he's gonna screw up again and I'll be there when you finally figure out that he's not good for you" Candace looked shocked at his confession and was about to reply when- "Candace" she turned to see a annoyed looking Jeremy glaring at Declan. "Let's go" he said firmly. She looked back at Declan and waved an awkward goodbye before taking Jeremys hand and leaving the hall.

Yes yes I know I've been gone and I suck. I had finals! So now I'm done and have no excuse.(but trust me I'll find one)  Have a wonderful day!

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