CH: 13

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This is the chapter. Warning...explicit content. you've been warned.

Candace and jeremy made out for what felt like hours. They kissed as if it was the last time they'd be able to see eachother again. Candace pulled away for breath and Jeremy moved his lips to her neck instead. Candace's breathing was ragid and she felt a really warm feeling in her lower region. "Jeremy" she said barely above a whisper. He hummed signaling that he heard her. "Jeremy I love you" he pulled away and kissed her lips. "I love you too" he said between kisses. "Jeremy- I-I think-I think I'm ready" Jeremy's kisses hault for a second as he pulled away to look at her in her eyes. "Candace I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything if you're not ready I'm okay with-" Candace shushed him with a kiss. "Jeremy. I'm. Ready. Unless you're not.." Jeremy chuckled in response "Babe I've been ready since the day I met you in 7th grade." Candace smiled and brought her lips back to his. The kiss deepened and got more intense and Jeremy tugged onto the hem of her red shirt as if asking permission to take it off.

They pulled away slightly as Jeremy slipped off her shirt revealing her pure white bra. She blushed as he started at her chest for a few seconds before coming back to her lips to kiss her again. His hand trailed up her body landing on her left boob as he squeezed and fondled it. Candace let out small sighs as she felt his hands roam her chest. His hand made his way under her bra pushing it up to reveal her pink nipples which he took turns sucking and licking each one. "Oh gosh Jeremy" candace moaned causing Jeremy to shift. His hands roamed her exposed thighs and he rubbed his way from her knee to her upper thigh. He played her down on her back gently m, his hand never stopping their gentle rub on her thigh. He sat up and removed his shirt. The way the moonlight hit him made Candace shiver. He's so hot. She thought to herself. Catching her eyes stuck to his torso Jeremy smirked then leaned back down leave open mouth kisses on her neck, then chest, then stomach down to the waistband of her skirt. He looked at her with his lust filled eyes but still made no further move. She admired how even when put in this situation he was still same old polite Jeremy. "Jeremy please" she said but it sounded more like a whisper/moan. That's all he needed before pulling her skirt down her legs revealing her white panties sporting a nice sized wet spot between her legs.

Jeremy had to compose himself because he was painfully hard and the more he saw of her the more turned on he became. "God Candace you're so fucking beautiful." He groaned before placing his thumb on the top of the wet spot. Candace gasped remembering the feeling of the first time he did this to her. Anticipation stirred in her like a wildfire. He rubbed the spot agonizingly slow and candace huffed in frustration. Kent looked at her smirking. "Something wrong Candace?" "Jeremy stop teasing me" she groaned covering her eyes with her hands. He laughed and kissed her inner thigh making her moan again. "Okay candace but I need you to be quiet okay? My sister is in the next room. " Candace nodded biting her lip. The sight made jeremy almost give up and fuck her right now. But he had to wait just a little while longer. He slid her underwear down her legs.

Once they were off her kissed her thighs again getting really close to where she wanted him to be then went back down. "Ugh Jeremy sto-Oh!" Her sentence was cut off when she felt his tongue invade her entrance. It was a feeling she had never felt before and it shot through her spine like electricity. She clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from moaning to loud as his tongue assaulted her clit. "Oh gosh Jeremy" she moaned as she felt herself getting close. That familiar feeling welling up in her stomach before it exploded and she marched her back off of the bed coming down from her high. Jeremy moved from his position to wear her was now hovering over her again. "Wow" she sighed. Jeremy just stared at her as she came back down. He was so hard now and he didnt know how much more he could take before it became painful. She felt it against her thigh and gasped slightly. "Sorry" he said blushing. "I can't really help it." Candace smiled a little and slowly reached down to toutch it with her hands causing Jeremy to let out a gasp in surprise and pleasure. It felt interesting through the fabric of his basketball shorts in her hand. It was stiff yet hard at the same time. And it felt pretty big...not that she had anything to compare it to but it certainly felt too big to fit inside of her. Jeremy got off of her and she stared at him in confusion before realizing what he was doing when he slid off his shorts revealing his cock which sprang strait up hitting his bellybutton. She longed at heart sheepishly before making himself comfortable on top of her again. "You sure?" He asked her again. He would be crushed if she said no but he had to make sure. He couldn't lose her again. She put hrmis face in her hands and stared into his eyes. "Yes I swear I am" he nodded reaching to his bedside table and pulled out a luminous wrapped square object. Candace blushed when she realized it was a condom. "I swear I wasn't planning this but I just wanted to have them... just incase." "Jeremy it's fine I'm glad you have them" she smiled and he looked relieved opening it and slipping it on before positioning himself at her entrance.

"I love you and I'm sorry if this hurts" he says before slowly slipping into her. She gasps which turns into a groan of pain. He crushes his lips to hers to muffle her loudness and pushes all the way in. He feels wetness against her face and pulls back horrified. "Candace? Are you okay? Am I hurting you? I'm so sorry" He feels horrible knowing that she's in pain while he feels the best pleasure he's ever felt. He didnt move. Waiting for a signal from her. Her breathing evened out and she looked at him nodding. "You can move" she says and he slowly pulls out and pushes back in m. A couple more times of that and her groans turn into moans of pleasure. The pleasure overpowering the pain. Henry started down at her. Her rugged are closed her faces is kinda scrunched and she's biting her lip again and that does something to him. He grunts and speeds up his pace making her eyes open wide and her mouth to open like an "o" "I'm so close " he moans into her ear. She kisses him in response and their tongues wrestle for dominance. He pulls his head back groaning into her shoulder as he reaches his peak. They're both a painting sweaty mess and jeremy rolls off of her trying not to put all of his weight on her. He disposes of the condom then comes back to lay next to her. They lay in silence. Both just too stunned to say anything. Candace stared at the ceiling and Jeremy began to get nervous fearing he did something wrong. "you okay?" Jermey asked making sure she was alright. she turned her head to look at him and he gasped when he saw tears in her eyes. "Oh my gosh Candace I'm so sorry. I hurt you didnt O? Hod I'm such an idiot" he scolded himself. Candace surprised him next by laughing. He looked at her confused a's she laughed again. "Jeremy you're such a weeb." She said kissing his nose. "Their tears of joy silly. This is one of the happiest moments of my life and I'm glad I was able to share it with you." Jeremy smiled in relief and pulled her close kissing her.

When they separated he looked at the nightstand clock and groaned. It was already 9:45. Her curfew was 10. "I should probably take you home" he said although he made no movement to do so. "Yeah...she said also making no move to get up. "You just feel so nice he said his arms pulling her closer. She giggled and turned towards him. " c'mon get up" she said sitting up and stretching wincing at the slight pain between her legs. Jeremy kissed her shoulder and got up assisting her by handing her her clothes that were scattered around.

They now sat in his car in front of her house in silence. "Thanks. I had fun" she said smiling. "Im glad..So did I we should it again sometime" he said nervously. She chuckled and kissed his lips. "Let me heal a bit but I definitely.." she ran her hand up his thigh. "Agree" she said before getting out of the car leaving him speechless and turned on once again. This girl would be the death of him he thought as he leaned his head on the steering wheel.


Alright Guys! Thanks for reading! I know it's not the best story but I didnt like the lack of Candermy stories and thought i'd contribute. I apprecitate everyone that took the time to read and hope you're having a great day..or night..or evening. By the way part 2 is up!

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