CH 8: Stressful milkshakes

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Candace's P.O.V

The SPOT was nice not too crowded and good service. We found Stacy and Coltrane laughing all lovey dovey. I'm glad she found someone...even if it happened to be the same time I lost someone. I'm happy for her. "Hey Candace! and...Declan...weird but okay" Declan smirked and nodded at her and shook Coltranes hand before sitting down next to me. "Glad you decided to come we were just talking about going to a concert next month." Coltrane added. "Oh you mean that Pasley Brothers concert in LA?" Declan asked causing them to look at him surprised. "You've heard of them?" Stacy asked surprised. "Ofcourse just because i'm rich and cultured doesn't mean I live under a rock" Candace laughed at that causing him to smile. "I'm gonna go order be right back" They nodded and he went to the counter. "So Candace what' going on there?" Stacy asked. "I thought you hated him"

"I did but he apologized and...I don't know Stacy he's nice, I think we could be good friends"

Coltrane snorted. "Friends? Candace a guy like that isn't "just friends" with girls" "What do you mean?" She asked. "He likes you" Candace was silent for a second and before she could respond Declan was back with two drinks. "Here you like chocolate right?" She smiled, "You didn't have to get me anything" He scoffed "Nonsense I brought you here to cheer you up and cheer you up I shall. Don't worry your pretty little head I mean we could have shared mines but we'll save that for our honeymoon" he joked. She laughed awkwardly and nodded before glaring at a smirking Coltrane.

The bells on the door jingled signaling that someone had come into the cafe. Stacy's eyes grew wide as she saw who had come in. "Hey guys maybe we should go.." She said nervously. "What why?" said Coltrane and she nudged him as if telling him to shut up. He seemed to see what she saw and nodded in agreement. "Um yeah lets go"

Candace was confused because she hadn't even finished her milkshake yet. She turned around and her eyes narrowed. Bianca was approaching a confused and annoyed looking Jeremy sitting with his basketball friend. She hadn't even noticed him there. How long had he been there? She watched as Bianca smiled her flirty smile at him saying something she couldn't hear from her spot across the room. Jeremy shook his head harshly saying something and stood up. I can't believe he's even still talking to her. Candace thought. As he tried to walk away and toward us my heart stopped when she grabbed his arm pulling him back to her and kissed him. I had enough. "Let's go" I said trying not to sound bothered but I could tell I was failing. Declan gave me a sympathetic look and wrapped his arm around me as he led me to the door. "Wait Candace" I heard Jeremy yell. I felt a hand grasp my wrist and I yanked it back quickly. I looked up to find Jeremys blue eyes looking at me desperately. "Leave me alone" I said looking away. "Candace please listen to me" That's when Declan stepped in. "Jeremy she said leave her alone just back off dude. Go back to your whore over there." He pointed towards Bianca who had followed Jeremy outside now glaring at Declan. "She's my girlfriend what do you mean back off? You back off!" Jeremy said pushing Declan making him stumble back and his arm to release me. "Guys stop" Candace said barley above a whisper. "Girlfriend? Since when? You lost that privilege dude when you kissed that bitch" "Um hello I'm right here!" Bianca yelled annoyed. "She means nothing to me she kissed ME i didn't kiss her Candace you gotta believe me I love you" Candace looked up with tears in her eyes. "Do you? Because 2 minutes ago when you locked lips yet again with her you could've fooled me." He groaned. "Look can we just talk? Alone? Please?"She contemplated it then she shook her head. "Not now Jeremy"

"Why? Why wont you hear me out?" "She said not now dude" Once again Declan chimed in. Jeremy looked about ready to punch him. "Why are you even here, you tryna steal my girlfriend now?" Declan scoffed. "Trust me if I was I'm sure I'd be a better boyfriend than you" This made Candace look at him wide eyed. Jeremy lunged at him but coltrane held him back. "Okay okay guys calm down." Stacy chimed in loudly. "This ia not the place to be arguing. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. c'mon Candace" She wrapped her arms around Candace and walked away. Jeremy ran his fingers through his hair stressfully and Declan continued to glare at him. "Happy now?" He asked Jeremy. "Well I can tell you one thing" Jeremy narrowed his eyes. "And what's that?" Declan smirked. "I'll make sure she's well taken care of. Did you know her lips taste like peppermint?" Jeremy couldn't control himself his fist collided with Declan's nose and he yelped in pain. Jeremy's friend who was standing back watching the whole thing grabbed Jeremy. "C'mon dude we can't have you injured before the game tomorrow. We'll deal with him later" He said dragging him away leaving Declan with a bloody nose and a wicked smirk.

It's heating up guys! What do you think can Declan be trusted? Should she just hurry up and forgive Jeremy? Will she ever forgive him? What happened Bianca's brother?? Tune in next time on The Chronicles of Candace Flynn!

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