Ch 7: down

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Sorry I'm lagging but here's a little filer. Thanks for the comments! I appreciate them. What would you do if you were Candace?

Next morning.

It was a sunday morning and Candace had just been awaken by perry. She opened her eyes and groaned phineas and ferb knows that she hates animals on her bed. She reluctantly got up out of bed and walked to her bathroom. She looked in the mirror and all the memories from last night came flooding back. She held back her tears as she got ready for her day and reached for her phone to turn it back on. She was surprised to see she had 40 missed calls and voicemails from her friends and of course Jeremy. She sighed and closed it not wanting to be bothered by anyone. She took a shower and put her hair in a bun. She didn't plan on leaving the house plus her parent were supposed to be coming back later today so she had to make sure the house was presentable.

Sauntered downstairs where Phineas and Ferb were up making pancakes and eggs. “Hey Candace how was the party?” Asked phineas while scrambling the eggs. Candace stiffened as she sat at the table then she put her hands over her face and cried. Phineas was taken aback and looked at Ferb who shrugged. He turned the fire off and went over to the table. “Hey are you okay? What's wrong?” Candace tried to stop crying sniffing and trying to calm her breath. Her face was bright red and Phineas waited patiently for her to finish and handed her a napkin to dry her tears. “Did something happen last night? Is it Vanessa? Or Jeremy?” She cried harder at the mention of his name and Phineas caught on. “Okay so Jeremy...what did he do?” She she choked through sobs. “He-he-he kissed-” Phineas’s eyes widened. “He cheated on you?!” She nodded and put her head on the table. ‘That just doesn't make any sense ‘thought Phineas.  “Ferb get Candace a plate” Ferb swiftly assembled a plate and set it in front of her. Candace stared at it and sighed. Not even food could help her mood right now.

*ding* *dong* Phineas went to answer the door. There stood Vanessa and Stacy with a bag. “Hey Phin we need to speak to Candace” he nodded hesitantly not sure if she wanted to be bothered but these were her friends. He stepped aside and they came in and saw Candace at the table. “Hey Candy how ya feelin?” Asked Stacy. She just groaned picking at her eggs. Stacy looked at Vanessa who looked worried too. “Okay get up let's go to your room we need to talk” they both tried to stand her up but she was not having it. “Candace c’mon” she sighed and slowly got up and followed them up the stairs.

Once they were in the room they closed the door and sat on her bed. Candace all of a sudden just burst out crying. “Oh baby don't cry” Vanessa cooed while hugging her. “He's not worth your tears” she continued to sob into Vanessa's shoulder. Stacy looked around. “Where's your phone?” Candace pointed to the bathroom and Stacy went to retrieve it. She turned it on and it erupted with text messages and notifications. Surprised she almost dropped it but saved herself just in time. “Wow” she said raging all of Jeremy's texts. He really seems to be sorry. “Have you read these Candace?” She shook her head no.”Maybe you should hear him out.” She shook her head. “I will...but for now I just need time.”

Monday Morning (at school)

Walking into school reluctantly Candace felt like all eyes were on her...and not in a good way. She was numb. She was conflicted with herself because she technically cheated too...Declan kissed her. But then again HE kissed Her not the other way around. Though she didn't think he initiated it he sure wasn't pushing her away...She went straight to her locker not looking forward to going to class. “Hey Candy you feeling any better?” Stacy popped up next to her with a soft smile. Candace sighed and nodded. “I’m getting there” stacy nodded and took her by the arm as they walked to class together.

  They entered the cold classroom and took their seats. Candace paused for a second before taking her seat. Declan was probably gonna be late again. The bell rang and as if on cue he came walking in looking as cocky as ever. He sat next to me and he gave me a smile. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my desk. “Hey” he nudged me. I continued to look down not really wanting to talk to him.
“Look I just wanted to say i’m sorry” I looked up at him surprised not thinking that he would apologize. “I did a really dumb thing at my party the other night I got caught up in my confidence and If you don’t wanna talk to me ever again I totally understand.” Candace's mind was all over the place here Declan was apologizing for kissing her and it actually sounded..sincere? She took a moment to analyze his face for any sign of lies. She found none. “Okay...I accept your apology but I kinda have to talk to you or else we would fail this class. He laughed and nodded. “True. Well then let’s get to it partner”  

Phineas P.O.V

Well summer is officially over I think to myself as I see people bundled up in sweaters and beanies. I was walking through the halls of Danville Middle school. It’s supposed to be some big deal that i’m an 8th grader now and i’m going to highschool next year but I feel the same I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m just glad that my friends are here with me I don’t know what I would do without them, especially Isabella, she’s my best friend (other than Ferb). We tell eachother everything…well almost everything.

“Phineas! Are you listening?” I snapped out of my thoughts to see Ferb waving his hand in front of my face. “Huh?” He rolled his eyes. “I was asking if you wanted to join a club or something since it's out last year” I thought about it. We've participated in many clubs but never actually was apart of any. “What club did you have in mind?”


Candace had been avoiding Jeremy all day and was doing a pretty good job of it. She did want to hear him out but she just wasn’t ready..he hurt her whether it was intentional or not.

“Hey Candy coltrane and I are going to the SPOT you wanna come?” The SPOT is this coffee/food place around the corner from campus it’s a nice hang out place. “Um I don’t know Stacy..I’m not really in a the mood. “Alright well if you change your mind you know where to find me” I nodded and closed my locker as she walked away. “Hey Ms mopy what’s wrong?” I looked back to see Declan with his smug smirk and his bag draped lazily over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes. “Hi Declan I’m not mopy...just over it.” Declan has actually been quite nice lately... it’s refreshing. “Well what can I do to help?” he said leaning against the locker. “Well unless you have a time machine...nothing.” He was silent for a sec. “Well too bad I don’t have one but I do have great company and a winning smile” he said smugly. “Ha-ha” I laughed sarcastically. “No seriously though let’s hang out who knows it may cheer you up” She sighed. She didn't have to be home for another hour or two. “Fine lets go to the SPOT Stacy is there with coltrane” He nodded and we headed out of the double doors of the school.  

Jeremy's P.O.V

“Jeremy! Get your head in the game man!” I sighed before realizing what I was doing. I was at practice and sucking. Why? Because i’m a total ass. I can’t stop thinking about that stupid party and that stupid moment. Candace has been avoiding me all week  I called a time out and sat on the bench and took a swig of my water. “Hey you alright man?” My best friend Brandon came and sat next to me. “I’m fine” I say unconvincingly. He rolls his eyes. “Is this about that chick?” I glared at him. “She’s not just a chick. She’s the love of my life and I let her just run out of my life.” I put my head in my hands out of frustration. “Alright dude calm down. How about we skip practice and go to the SPOT their cheese fries will clear your mind.” “I don’t know man…” “C’mon you’re going and you’re gonna forget about this chick” I rolled my eyes...”whatever man”

Walking into the SPOT I was hit with the heavenly smell for coffee. I walked up to the counter and ordered before taking a seat with brandon at a table near the window. I don’t really come here a lot..last time I was here it was with...Candace? I looked up to a table on the other side of the room Candace was here with Stacy, Coltrane and Declan? That's weird...I thought about going to talk to her but before I could guess who walks through the door...

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