Ch 10: who's asking who??

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Ferbs P.O.V

So this dance situation with Phin and Isabella is getting annoying but I don’t have time to deal with that he’s a big boy he can handle himself. I on the other hand have no idea who i’m gonna take..There’s no girls in my class that I really fancy but I might as well pick someone..I decided to take a walk to the park and told Phineas i’d be right back but I don’t think he heard me because he seemed to be asleep under the tree in the backyard. I love just taking walks sometimes it helps me clear my head and just think without the big elaborate inventions and events me and Phineas come up with. “Hey Ferb!” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked for the source of the angelic voice that greeted me. Vanessa Doofenshmirtz sat on her porch seemingly waiting for something and waved at me. Vanessa was the picture of perfection. She was gorgeous and mature. Way out of my league. If I ever get a girlfriend she needs to top that. Which is probably impossible. “Where you headed?” she asked. “Um-just to the park” God I sound childish. “Oh okay cool” she stood as a weird car with a robot head pulled up. “Well my dads here i’ll see you later Ferb.” I waved at her pathetically and continued my way to the park. It was about 3 hours after school ended for the day and and the sun was setting creating a nice orange tone to the sky and there was a chill in the air but that was expected with the new season upon us. Everyone was bundled in sweaters and boots and i’d never admit it but fall is my favorite season. It’s just prettier and just has a nice vibe. You know I might just-OUCH. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I ran quite literally into someone. “Hey watch where you’re-! Oh hey Ferb” I finally processed what was going on and Adyson was standing there in front of me. She was a good foot or so shorter than me and her long brown hair pulled into a high ponytail with yellow headband and was clad in yellow leggings and black hoodie.The last time I saw her was the truth or dare night. “Where you off to in a hurry?” I asked her. “Nowhere I was just running to the ice cream truck” she laughed and I smiled turning to look in the direction of the parked Bright green ice cream truck. “You wanna come with me? I can get you a Popsicle shaped like spongebob” I laughed and nodded. “I’ll come with you but you can keep the icecream” She smiled and nodded grabbing my arm and pulling me to the truck. She’s so cute. Wait what? I’ve never thought of her that way before why now? Maybe it’s the cold getting to me...if that makes sense.

Phineas P.O.V

No that’s stupid. That won’t work. She would probably laugh in my face. I’m currently sitting under the tree trying to think of a way to ask isabella to the dance. WHY IS THIS SO HARD?? She’s my best friend it’s not like she’ll yell at me or anything. What am I afraid of? You know what? I’m going to march right over to her house and ask her right now. Just rip the bandage off. I got up and walked across the street and knocked on the front door. HOLY CRAP what am I doing? It’s too late to turn back now. I hear the lock being unlocked and my palms instantly started sweating. Isabella popped up in the doorway looking as cute as ever. “Oh hey Phineas what a surprise” she said nervously. “Oh is it a bad time? I was just gonna ask-” “Um yeah kinda I-” Isabella babe whos at the doo-” WAIT A MINUTE...WHAT?

“Ferb? what are you doing at Isabella’s house?” “Um-well we didn’t want you to find out this way…” “What?” “Did you really think she’d be with you? You couldn’t even ask her to the dance bro she needs a guy who’s gonna take charge it’s too late” With that he grabbed Isabella and started to make out with her. NOOOOO-

“NO!” I gasped sitting up from my spot under the tree. I guess I fell asleep. It was a dream thank god. Why is this having such an impact on me it’s just a dance! Where is Ferb anyways?

“Phineas? Why are you just staring into thin air?” My mom opened the sliding door and looked at me curiously. I quickly snapped out of it.”Um I was just thinking..I guess I zoned out” I laughed nervously standing up and walking into the house. “Well i’m heading out can you bring this up to your sister in her room she seems to be in a much better mood today” I nodded taking the object from her hand and making my way up the stairs towards Candace's room. I knocked and two seconds later she opened the door with her phone to her ear. “What?” I handed her the object “mom told me to give this to you” she nodded and took it from me. “Yeah and he had a guitar! It was so romantic!” she screamed into the phone before shutting the door. I rolled my eyes and went to my room. I sat at my computer desk and took out my phone. I instinctively hovered over Isabella's name as if to text her. I got a sudden wave of inspiration as I began typing in the little box. ‘Hey Issa, So I like you. I think as more than a friend’s hard to explain and I know i’m probably pushing the limits of our friendship here but I was just wondering..will you go to the dance with me?’ I read over it a few times before cringing. That’s terrible no way I can send that. Plus asking over text is pathetic. I reached for the DELETE button but accidentally pressed SEND. CRAP! I started to panic. WTF is wrong with me?! Okay calm down think think...I looked back at the text at the ‘Unread’ symbol. Great she hasn’t looked at it yet maybe I can go to her house and erase it before she sees it.

I got up and ran downstairs and across the street as fast as I could. Hyperventilating I rang the doorbell and Isabella's mom answered. “Oh hi Phineas look how tall you’ve grown what brings you here?” I caught my breathe “Um is Isabella home?”

“Yes she is she’s in the shower but you can wait for her in her room if you want” I nodded thanking her before going up to isabelas room. It had not occurred to me that i’ve never been in her room and I was just running on autopilot. I got to a room that looked like it could be her room and started searching for her phone. I finally found it beside her bed and dove for it not noticing the water from the bathroom shut off. I knew her password because we're best friends and I quickly opened the text. Delete! “Phineas?” I jumped startled and turned to see Isabella in the doorway in a towel. OH HOLY MOTHER OF SOUP. “What are you doing in my room?” Quick think! “Um I just wanted to come over and see what you were doing..” Nice. “Why do you have my phone in your hand?” CRAP! “Um well-I-I was just checking the time?” That came out as more of a question. She looked at me like she knew I was lying. “Okay well get out so I can change” I nodded and walked awkwardly out of the room. 3 minutes later she opened the door again and I walked inside. “Okay so what was the real reason you are here and had my phone?”

I sighed she could always see right through me. “Okay I may have sent you a text by accident and I came to delete it” She still looked confused. “Why? What was it about?” I could feel my face heating up as I looked away. “Um-Nothing important..”

“Well it must have been important if you had to come all the way here just to delete it yourself..” I sighed I might as well tell her and face rejection. “Okay fine. In the text I was trying to ask you to go to the dance with me.” I avoided eye contact as she processed what I just said. Silence. “I know the answer is no that’s why I was trying to delete-” “Yes” she said. I looked up confused. “What?” She had a big smile on her face. “Yes i’ll go with the dance” I smiled. “Really? Like as a date right?” She nodded. “Yes smart one i’ve been waiting for you to ask” That caught me off guard. “Really? Wow I had no idea” “Yeah I can tell” she laughed. I blushed again. God stop doing that! “Okay great I’ll uh- I’ll see you later then I said backing out of the doorway slowly and awkwardly.” “See Ya” she said waving me off with a nervous smile.

I made it out of her house and I felt like the world was just lifted off my shoulders.
I can’t wait to tell Ferb.

Yay awkwardness!!For this chapter I wanted more focus on Phineas and Ferb Candace needs a break. Anyways hope you enjoyed I'll try to update soon!

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