Chapter 1

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It was dark. It was cold. The air was heavy with fog. Filling the silence was the creaks of a wooden ship. On the ship, a few dragons groaned and growled, their calls of distress silenced by the men holding them captive. They didn't care about the suffering creatures, simply going about their watches and paying no mind to the pain they were inflicting.

You watched, hidden as Hiccup and Toothless led the way. You stayed to the side with Nightshade as the raid began. You saw a fire break out, but it was clearly no big deal as Hiccup was able to walk right through it. Snotlout became impatient next to you.

"Come on. Let's go, Hookfang!" 

"Wait! He hasn't-" Ignoring you, he went forward and tried to make a big entrance. "given the signal." You sighed, tired of having to remind Snotlout of this every time you went on a mission. Nightshade let out a huff and you nodded. "No kidding girl." Still, there was no helping it. You joined them quickly. Snotlout now had his pants on fire.

"Aah! I knew it. More demons!" The man there yelled. You were surprised that he was afraid of you. Demons? Huh, that's a new one. I'll have to remember that.

"That's really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt." Hiccup grumbled. You snickered quietly, trying not laugh too hard, but secretly wanting to at the same time. Then, the man ran into Ruff and Tuff.

"Gas! Now!" Tuff said. It knocked the trapper back as they made their own entrance. "Behold, your worst nightmare..." Ruffnut tried to say something too.

"Behold-" Tuff cut her off.

"...along with his sister who insisted on coming."

"That's my intro?" She asked. 

"Guys! Too soon. You always come in too soon!" Hiccup told them. 

"I tried." You added in, knowing there was no point now. Fishlegs then landed in front of Hiccup and slipped on the floor.

"Sorry, still getting the hang of my wings." He admitted apologetically, giving his own excuse. You saw the baby Gronkle he had and so did Hiccup.

"Fishlegs, again with the baby? This is a raid." Hiccup told him.

"I couldn't find a sitter." Fishlegs defended. And then the trapper tried to run off. 

"Demons everywhere! It's the end of the world!" Arrow jumped from the cage he was on and knocked the trapper out by banging him against it. 

"Arrow! I had him right where I wanted him." Hiccup said to his friend.

"And now he's right where I wanted him. Let's get to work." Arrow replied. You couldn't help but laugh a little to yourself.

"Honestly that was the only thing that's gone well so far." You muttered to yourself, still grinning.

"Exactly." Arrow agreed, picking up on your amusement.

"Okay, we screwed that up. But, at least nobody else knows we're here." Hiccup said optimistically. 

"Doubt it," Ash muttered as your brothers came in last. Your sister was with Valka wherever they were. Hiccup ignored him. He went to go free a Scuttleclaw while the rest of you spread out to free other dragons. You saw Ruff over by another cage.

"Ha. Ha. Look at this weirdo. I bet it's super dumb." She commented. She tried to open the cage, but nothing was happening.

"Why can't I get this cage open?" You sighed and walked over. You unlocked it and opened the door. She looked surprised for a moment at how easily you'd gotten it open.

Tameless but Together (Hiccup x Reader 3)Where stories live. Discover now