Chapter 13

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Third Person POV

Valka was still off checking to see if they were followed. It was foggy out and hard to see. Suddenly, countless ships could be seen through the fog. Valka was shocked by this. They had been followed by Grimmel, the Warlords, and their Dragon Trappers. Valka spotted Grimmel's Airship. Suddenly, one of Grimmel's Deathgrippers attacked Valka, followed by another one.

"Watch out!" She shouted, trying to warn her dragon before he got hurt. Cloudjumper grabbed the incoming Deathgripper and threw it at the other one. "Go, Cloudjumper!" The two of them hurried to flee from the fleet. The Deathgrippers started to pursue them, but Grimmel stopped his Deathgrippers from attacking Valka by whistling. They stopped and Valka and Cloudjumper were able to escape just in time.

*Meanwhile, in the skies over the vast ocean*

Toothless flew through the huge clouds surrounding him, searching for the Light Fury. He had been having little luck so far. Cloud after cloud passed and there was nothing. Not a single clue as to where she could've gone. The Night Fury was beginning to get discouraged.

As Toothless searched, he thought he could see the Light Fury but instead, it was just his own shadow on a cloud. Disappointed, he kept flying onward through the sky. He suddenly heard a sound coming from somewhere else. He flew towards it until he finally found the Light Fury. This thrilled the Night Fury and caused him to stare at her for a while. 

Toothless then remembered what Hiccup had made him to allow him to see her. He showed the Light Fury his new tail by closing and expanding it. This made the Light Fury happy, pleased that he could fly on his own now. The two could finally be alone together. It was just them and the endless sky.

They flew into a vortex and the Light Fury shot a plasma blast ahead of herself. She flew through it which made her invisible. Toothless understood what she was trying to teach him and tried to do it himself. The first time failed and so did the second time. Toothless looked over at his Light Fury love interest, slightly unsure that it would work, but she encouraged him to try again. 

Toothless tried to heat up his shot as much as possible. Suddenly, electricity and lightning began to accumulate around Toothless' body. He roared loudly and then he turned invisible himself! The Light Fury looked for him for a moment. When he turned visible again, he let out a small cough of smoke and began to fall, a little dazed. The Light Fury hurried to catch him and soon enough Toothless got his energy back, flying on his own again. The two steadied out and she seemed proud of him.

Next, they flew with each other, romantically letting the sky and their feelings carry them away. They flew up together in the shape of a love heart. Toothless licked the Light Fury's face and then they glided back down. The Northern lights shone around them as they touched each other's wings. Toothless was very happy for himself, pleased that he finally had a chance to have another Fury to be with. It was a dream come true, one that he didn't know he had until now.

They arrived at a huge waterfall and they flew around it. Toothless looked at it, unsure why she was showing him this place. Then the Light Fury pulled Toothless down into the hole of the waterfall and the two disappeared together.

*Back at New Berk*

Everyone was enjoying themselves at a party celebrating the new home they had all found. People cheered happily, raising glasses and chowing down on their food. There were sounds of laughter and music as the Berkians let their worries fall away.

"For the Chief!"

"To the Chief!" Some Berkians were throwing Hiccup up in the air in celebration.

"Yeah, okay, guys! Now I'm just getting sick!" Hiccup looked like he was going to be sick on Gobber.

"Don't say I thought you were a little off your raw for this but it isn't half bad," Gobber commented.

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