Chapter 23

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Days had turned into weeks and weeks had turned into months. Six months to be exact. You and Hiccup had been married for six months already and every second was wonderful. You both loved being around each other and you loved everything that came with it. 

You were heading to visit your sister who had also just recently gotten her own partner. You knew that the two of them would tie the knot, but you were pleased with how quickly they had both found the courage to make it official. Arrow was a wonderful husband to her, even if they'd only been made official for 3 weeks. Runa couldn't get enough of him and he could say the same thing about her.

The little year old was by your side as you walked through the village. Arctic had grown and grown well. He was a great companion and he helped heard the sheep a lot of the time if any of the fences broke or if some ever got out and disappeared. The village children also all loved to play with him. 

(Remember, one of his eyes is golden and the other is blue

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(Remember, one of his eyes is golden and the other is blue. That's all. Continue.)

You made it to your sister's house and knocked on the door. It opened soon enough and you smiled as Zane answered. Your brothers were there too.

"Hey, (Y/n). Come on." He beckoned and you followed after him with Arctic right behind you. You saw all of your family members there. Arrow was sitting on the couch with Runa and the boys were scattered about the room. Carl almost dove for Arctic and the wolf pup barked happily open seeing the energetic youngest brother.

"Hey there, boy! Who's a good wolf? Who's a good wolf?" Carl said, petting him all over. You smiled at the two before turning your attention to the others.

"It's nice for all of us to be together," Runa said. 

"Yeah." Arrow agreed.

"Things have been busy lately." You added. Hiccup had been around a lot more than you'd expected, but it was mainly because of the recent storm issues. Being so high up, more electrical storms had occurred and had been causing a few problems, but luckily, fires were things you were all used to. It was nothing you all couldn't handle. 

"Well, who wants to play some games?" Arrow offered.

"ME!" Carl said quickly. You grinned at him and all of you headed to the dining room where the big table was. Arrow grabbed Maces and Talons so you all could start a tournament. Ash and Zane were up first. Arrow grabbed some snack foods for you all to have as the game played out. You all talked and joked while cheering on your own players. It was a wonderful time for everyone. 

Soon, it was you against Carl. Carl had been talking a big game, bragging about practicing with Tuffnut a lot just for this. You knew he had been practicing, but Tuffnut was very much an oddball opponent, not exactly good for learning strategies which you had many of.

The two of you began to play and Carl went for some hard hitters right away. You knew this way of playing. Take out as much as you can and overpower. Classic. You thought. You kept your very important pieces illusive as he took out the more obvious targets. Just as soon as he thought he had it all wrapped up, you went in a took out his leader. Carl looked stunned.

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