Chapter 14

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You had begun to get ready to head out with the others when Ash came in. You didn't notice him at first until he cleared his throat. You turned and smiled at him.

"Hey, Ash. Somethin' on your mind I'm assuming?" 

"This is going to be dangerous, you know."

"Don't start. I already won that argument with Hiccup." 

"I know, which is why I just wanted to talk to you quick." You paused and sat down.

"Alright then, start talking." He sat down too and sighed.

"You know...ever since we were little I've always tried to protect you. I was always there to step in if you were in trouble. I didn't want anything to happen to you, ever," He began. You listened carefully. He sighed and then looked you in the eyes. "But look at you now, the strongest person I've ever met." He cupped your cheek and you leaned into his touch slightly. "You don't need me to protect you anymore. You have somebody else who would give his life for you." You frowned.

"Ash...what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you're all grown up. You don't need a big brother like me always on your back. You have somebody who loves you more than himself." You paused and finally understood what he was saying. "Things are never easy for us and nobody knows what's going to happen. Don't lose him, (Y/n). It's your choice, but in my opinion...the time has been right for a while. Gobber is right on that much." He stood up. "I'll see you in the sky, then." Ash left and you stared after him, thinking hard about what he'd just told you. "Nobody knows what's going to happen. Don't lose him." You sighed. You headed out and looked around. You saw Hiccup with Nightshade, petting her snout and talking to her. You felt a surging mass of determination build up inside you as you looked at the two. I won't.

Third Person POV

*Late at night at Grimmel's temporary base*

One of the Deathgrippers put its stinger into the top of a glass and was releasing its own venom into it. The Deathgripper took its stinger out of the glass and Grimmel poured the venom from the glass into a tube. He then placed the tube into one of his darts. 

The riders, which were all wearing their dragon flight suits, were flying to Grimmel's base. Hiccup, who was riding on Nightshade with (Y/n), jumped off. He led the way as they flew to the base and landed on it. The mission was in motion, but they weren't the only ones with a plan.

Grimmel was still working on something before his Deathgrippers sensed that the riders were close. He clicked his fingers, making his Deathgrippers got to defend him and his base. The riders appeared from behind some rocks.

"Okay. Split up, we'll be harder to catch." Snotlout said, trying to have some control. Eret, however, spoke up as well.

"I was thinking we should split up...just because." He explained.

"I like your instincts," Valka replied and everyone split up to head off individually.

"What is this?!" Snotlout whisper shouted in outrage.

The Riders stealthily crept inside of Grimmel's tower. Arrow threw a stone to the opposite side of the building to mislead a Deathgripper. Tuffnut was very visible until Ruffnut pulled him down just barely before another Deathgripper almost spotted him. While the others distracted the dragons, Hiccup ran upstairs and arrived in Grimmel's room with his Inferno lit. 

However, Hiccup looked around and didn't see him inside the room anywhere. Unexpectedly, a net fell down and covered the base. Shocked, Hiccup ran out of the room. Fishmeat started screaming and Fishlegs quickly tried to calm him down.

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