How It Begins

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Hey guys! Just a lil disclaimer. I know many of my readers are like older audiences in the upper teens and I am as well, but we must remember that Miraculous Ladybug is still considered a kids show and I do still have a lot of younger readers too. Because of this I ask that you please avoid using heavy or sensitive words and profanity in the comments section. I know the characters sometimes do stupid things or make mad decisions that might make you wanna scream curse words, but I'd be super appreciative if you kept it to a minimum, thank you!!


Just another normal day in Paris~

\*after an akuma fight/

Chat Noir: *deep breath* you can do this. *walks over to Ladybug* M-M'lady?

Ladybug: Yes Kitty?

Chat Noir: Well, I was w-wondering if, well, maybe, you would like to go see a movie with me tonight.

Ladybug: *giggles* Sure Chat noir, I'd love to.

*miraculous beep*

Ladybug: Gotta go, see you tonight kitty! Bug out!

*She jumps away*

Chat noir: See you then M'lady.


*Adrien goes to ask his father of he can be allowed out tonight*

Adrien: Father I was wonderi- *gasp*

*Gabriel doesn't see Adrien, and is going down the tubes thingy to his hawkmoth lair*

Adrien: Where is he going!?

Plagg: oooooo secrets are fun!!! You should go see!!

Adrien: *looking down hole* I don't know plagg it's dark, I can't see anything down there.

Plagg: oh come on! *he goes into the hole*

Adrien: oh no *goes after him*

\Adrien and plagg are in hawkmoths lair and it's pitch black, Gabriel left (the emotions weren't strong enough) and they can't see anything/

Adrien: Father? Are you here? *gasp*

\The window opens and all the butterflies wake up and fly around, just as they do when Gabriel comes in/

Adrien: no.. No!!! It can't be! No! Ladybug was right! My father Hawkmoth!!!

*he's a really sad boi*

Plagg: We need to go fight him!!

Adrien: No, we have to tell Ladybug and get her help.

\They go back into the house/

Adrien: good thing I'm already planning to meet up with ladybug, only I don't think we'll be seeing a movie. Plagg, claws out!!

\Epic Chat Noir Transformation/


\Ladybug is waiting by the movie theater for chat noir/

Ladybug: (to herself) huh, usually I'm the one late for stuff.

\Chat noir comes, looking forlorn/

Ladybug: Hey kitty! So, what movie should we go to?

\Chat doesn't hear, he's looking off into the distance/

Ladybug: Chat? CHAT!?

Chat Noir: Wh-what? Did you say something?

Ladybug: Hey, is something bothering you?

Chat noir: Well.....

Ladybug: Hey you can trust me Chat, what's wrong?

Chat noir:*looks at the ground* we need to go somewhere private m'lady.

\The two of them climb to the Eiffel tower and sit they sit there silently without talking for 5 minutes/

Ladybug: hey, you ready to talk about it?

Chat noir: *looks at ladybug directly for the first time all night, with tears in his eyes*

Chat Noir: M'lady, I know.

Ladybug: you know what?

\Chat is silent, and looks down again/

Ladybug: what is it Chat?

Chat noir: *looks her straight in the eyes* I know who Hawkmoth is.

Ladybug: *gasp*

\Chat starts crying a little bit and turns away/

Ladybug: why are you upset?! This is great!! We can defeat him! And Paris will be-

Chat noir: *yelling, a little angry* BECAUSE, *yanks off his ring, transforming back, crying a lot now*



Thanks so much for reading the first part! Your support means everything to me and it makes me so happy that others can find pleasure and reading what I've written! I post new parts after the previous part reaches a certain amount of likes on my Instagram at @youreverydayladybug so be sure to follow and like for more parts soon! Be happy and live a wonderful and miraculous life, you deserve it! Don't forget to follow me and vote!! Again thanks so so so so so much for reading, more parts coming very soon!!!💕❤💕

~Elise, Your Everyday Ladybug



woahhhh there's so many typos in this book I was such a trash writer back in January 2019 lol. If you've already read this book or just started reading it and see typos or bad grammar or stuff just know I'm going through it and hopefully soon it will be more professional and typo free. Lowkey kind of don't like this book and I think it's poorly written and kinda wanna take it down just cause I'm a perfectionist, but like it has 17K reads as of now and makes my profile look good so I'll keep it up lol. Plus I kinda like the storyline, I just feel like it's poorly written, maybe someday I'll rewrite it with a different writing style like the one I use in my more recent books. (Like "Keep The Mask, It Goes With Your Costume.") Anyway happy reading and I love you all! <3

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