An End To It All

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/One week later..........\

Nadia Chamack: it has been one week since the terrible hawkmoth, Gabriel Agreste, was captured and arrested, now being held in prison for his acts against Parisians. The two young teens found severely injured at the scene are suspected by some to be Ladybug and Chat Noir, and are being hospitalised, the young man awoke last night, but young girl is yet to awake from her unconscious state. Their names are Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and Adrien Agreste, son of Gabriel Agreste, or now known as hawkmoth. We yet to confirm the details or if they truly are Paris' famous superheros. Adrien's wounds are less severe and have healed much quicker, he is expected to be completely healed this after-

Alya: *Shuts off tv* I'm going to the hospital again, I need to talk to Adrien since they say he's awake now.*sighs*

Nora: (Alya has told Nora everything) Hey they're going to be alright, you did all you could.

Alya: but I didn't save them!! I couldn't save either of them!!! *sighs* I'll see you tonight Nora, *walks out door and to the hospital*

/Outside Adriens hospital room\

Nurse:*walks out* Alya! You're back! you'll be happy to hear Adrien awoke last night and he's almost healed.

Alya: yeah, thanks. Do you mind if i talk with him?

Nurse: of course, *holds the door open*

Alya: *walks in* Adrien!!

Adrien: Alya!

/Alya walks over and gives him a hug\

Alya: *tears in her eyes* Im so glad you're okay, I'm sorry I couldn't save you or Marinette! I-i-

Adrien: *gasp* Marinette! Is she okay!? Oh my gosh I need to go talk to her! I hope she's-

Alya: she hasn't woken up yet, her wounds are really-

Adrien: it's from when I scratched her isnt it!? uhg Im so horrible!!! she's so hurt and it's all my fault! She may not even-

Alya: Don't say that! She's going to be okay! Its just as much ny fault as yours, but she wouldnt wsnt you to feel guilt, we just have to hope for the best.

Nurse: *walks in* good news Adrien! You're good to go! One of your ribs is still very slightly fractured so be careful. The mayor of Paris Mr. Bourgeois would also like to meet with you.

Adrien: no, I'm not leaving here until Marinette in better, can you please take me to her?

Nurse: yes, I'll let the mayor know you wont be seeing him today.

*she brings Adrien to Marinette, Adrien requested that Alya may leave so he could be alone with Marinette.*

/Adrien sits next to Marinette's bed, she has many IVs in, a tube under her nose to help her breathe, casts and braces on a few places, also awkwardly propped up to support her correctly\

Adrien: This is, horrible, how bad is she?

Nurse: *sighs* her spine is cracked so she may be paralyzed until it heals, as well as 3 fractured ribs, a broken ankle, and pulled ligaments and muscles in some other places, it's pretty bad.

Adrien: *tears in his eyes* oh,

Nurse: but her worst injury is here, *pulls up her hospital shirt a little bit to reveal a huge deep cut along her stomach and chest*

Adrien: *gasps*

Nurse: it's deep and just a mere inch or two away from her heart, we're very lucky it doesnt go that far, we don't know what on earth it could be from, it's not like a knife cut at all, we're unfamiliar with how she got it.

Adrien: *squeezes Marinettes hand hard between his own, trying not to cry* she's going to be okay though, right!?

Nurse: it's too early to tell, it would be weeks or months until she's completely healed, hopefully she could wake up in a few days.

Adrien: *whispers* I'm so sorry Marinette *and he begins to cry*

Nurse: do you want to go now?

Adrien: *sniffs* no, I'm going to stay here with her until I know she's okay.

Nurse: okay then.
/for the next 62 hours Adrien stayed sitting by Marinettes side hoping she'd soon awake, then in the middle the night, while Adrien in asleep on his chair next to Marinette, she awoke\

Marinette: A-adrien? *her eyes are still closed*

Adrien: *wakes up* Marinette! Oh my gosh Marinette you're okay!! *he hugs her*

Marinette: Adrien I don't think I'm going to be okay,

Adrien: w-what do you mean!? Of course you are,

Marinette: Adrien no matter what happens know that I love you so much.

Adrien: Marinette stop! Your scaring me! You'll heal and everything will be all right!

Marinette: Adrien, I-Ack!

Adrien: Marinette!!!

*machine watching her heart starts beeping*

Adrien: *pushes open the door* HELP!!! HELP!!!!!

*2 doctors and a couple nurses run into the room, Adrien steps out of the way, from just outside the room he can hear them hurriedly trying to help her, hes waits for 12 minutes, but what feels like hours*

*a nurse walks out of the room*

Adrien: is she okay!?!?

*the nurse looks down?*

Adrien: *runs into the room* Marinette!? *goes over to her*

Marinette: Adrien.......

Adrien: *crying* Marinette please, you cant leave me, I need you! Please Marinette!

Marinette: Adrien I love you so much. *pulls him in and kisses him........then closes her eyes, and falls back into her bed, the monitor on her heart stops beeping, and becomes one straight line*

Adrien: NOOOOOOO!!!! PLEASE NO MARINETTE!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!*crying intensifies*

*the doctors leave so he can be alone*

Adrien: *grabs her hand and squeezes it tight* no, no, it can't be true............

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