She can't know....

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/The Next Morning\

Tikki: hurry up Marinette! You can't be late for school.

Marinette: okay okay, almost ready, *picks up her phone and sees missed call* hm, who is this?

*plays message*

Hawkmoth (on phone): Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you should have not been so young and foolish, but, because you are, you have revealed yourself to me! If you tell anyone my secret, I shall tell everyone yours too!! Fear, for you are never safe and I will take your miraculous!

Tikki: oh no! Marinette this is horrible! You must tell Adrien.

Marinette: no tikki, i can't.

Tikki: what? Why?

Marinette: i don't want him to worry, hawkmoth just wants me to be scared, but I won't be! And Adrien will be so worried about me, I don't want him to have to.

Tikki: but Marinette-

Tom: (from downstairs) Marinette! You're going to be late!

Marinette: come on Tikki, we'll talk about this later.

/at school\

*Marinette and Adrien walk into the classroom together*

Alya: Marinette! *runs and gives her a hug* Are you okay girl?! What happened!? Where were you!?

Marinette: *giggles* I'm fine Alya.

Alya: But where were you? I was so worried!

Marinette: I-

Mrs. Bustier: Okay class, take your seats!

Adrien: hey Nino, do you mind switching places with Marinette today, I'd like so sit next to her.

Nino: sure dude! *goes over to Marinette's seat, and Marinette goes into his seat*

*Adrien brings Marinette closer and puts his arm around her shoulder*

Alya: *shook* *is suspicious*

/after class\

*Marinette is walking down the hallway*

Tikki:(from Marinette's bag) Marinette! Go tell Adrien!

/Alya hears Marinette and hides so she can see who Marinette is talking too\

Marinette: Okay, let's go Tikki.*walks away*

Alya: who was she talking to? *follows her*

Marinette: Adrien!

Adrien: what is it Marinette?

Marinette: let's go somewhere private, there's something I should tell you.

*They both go into the locker room, no one is there, except Alya, who's hiding again and listening*

Marinette: so, this morning, your father left me a message, he knows my secret and he-

Alya: *walks out* what secret?

Marinette: Alya! I, uh, what are you doing here?

Alya: I could be asking you the same thing, what's this secret I don't know about?

Marinette: i uh, well,

Adrien: It wouldn't be our secret if we told you.

Alya: "our secret?!" I'm her best friend, she tells me everything!

Adrien: woah, calm down Alya, it's not a big deal, Marinette doesn't need to tell you.

Alya: *turns to Marinette* what is going on? Yesterday I was worried sick for hours when you disappeared, now all of the sudden you're back Adrien is your boyfriend?! And you're keeping secrets from me? What happened Marinette?

Marinette: well it's just some stuff changed and you can't get involved, I mean-

Alya: cant get involved??? But Adrien can!? What is going on?

Adrien: hey, I already said, Marinette doesn't need to tell you if she doesn't want to!

Alya: *looks at Marinette* Marinette? I'm your best friend,

Marinette: *looks down and doesn't say anything*

Alya: fine, *tears in her eyes* at least I was. *she runs away*

Marinette: *also with tears in her eyes* I can't lose Alya.

Adrien: which is exactly why we can't tell her, if she knows it just puts more, including herself, in jeopardy.

Marinette: I'm going to tell her Adrien, she can help.

Adrien: but, we can't risk anymore, how can she-

Marinette: *puts her finger over Adriens mouth* Alya is Rena Rouge.

Adrien: she what!?

Marinette: I should give her her miraculous to keep for a little

While in case of emergency.

Adrien: That's actually a good idea, I'll come too.

Marinette: no, I'm going to, to show her being with you wont take away our friendship.

Adrien: yeah, and I was kind of mean to her...but no! Marinette You can't go alone! You can't be left alone! What if hawkmoth-

Marinette: I'll be fine, in the meanwhile listen to this, *hands him her phone* and show my parents too, *kisses him on the check* spots on! *goes out window and swings away*

Adrien: stay safe m'lady, *sighs*

/on the way to master fu's\

Ladybug: spots off!

Tikki: why did you detransform Marinette?

Marinette:I think we can walk the rest of the way, and I wanted

to ask you, do you think I'm doing the right thing? I mean, giving Alya her miraculous is risky, but i think-

*super villain jumps in front of Marinette*

Fearfiller: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I'm fearfiller! Hawkmoth has been looking for you, he hopes you're full of fear! Because that's what I've come to give you, before I capture you and bring you to him mwahaha!!!

Marinette: oh no...

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