The Final Fight

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Lady Misfortune: I'm no longer in control, I will do as you say.

Hawkmoth: she, she cant do anything unless I tell her, yes! All will be destroyed because there is nothing she can do! Lady Misfortune, go out, find Chat Noir and do whatever you must to take his miraculous!

Chat Noir: you wont have too, I'm right here!

/Chat and Rena Rouge has broke into his lair\

Hawkmoth: ah I'm glad you made it Chat Noir! My wish will finally come true with your miraculous! Lady Misfortune, attack him!

/Lady Misfortune turns around and sees chat and starts walking over to him, she doesnt say anything for she cant, she's no longer in control\

Chat Noir: What!? Marinette!!!? What has he done to you?!

/she hits him with her yoyo and they start fighting\

Chat Noir: Snap out of it Marinette it's me!! Rena I could use some help!

Rena Rouge: I'm a little occupied at the moment! *she's fighting Hawkmoth, who is only trying to keep her from interfering with Chat and lady Misfortune\

Hawkmoth: use your lucky charm!

/Lady Misfortune uses her lucky charm it is a small paper heart, the size of her palm, seeing nothing to do with it, she drops it finding it useless\

/Lila escapes back into the Agreste mansion to avoid getting hurt\

Chat Noir: *still fighting* Stop Marinette! I cant fight you! Please! Catacly-

/lady Misfortune grabs him by the arm from behind and takes off his ring, just before Chat uses his claw and scratches a deep cut into her stomach and she's again unconscious, Chat detransforms\

Rena: No!!!

Hawkmoth: Yes! *goes over and grabs Chats rings from Lady Misfortune's hand as shes lying on the ground, he doesnt see Adrien* I've won! I finally have the powers of the miraculous!

Adrien: *very harmed from the fight, can't stand up* how could you? Ah! *he feels a sharp pain in his back*

Hawkmoth: *turns around and sees him* Adrien!?

Adrien: HOW COULD YOU? *crying, he makes his way over to unconscious Marinette, still as a villain, although she's unconscious, her completely black eyes and wide open*

Hawkmoth: Adrien, this is for us! I'm going to bring Emilíe back,

Adrien: us? US?! you only ever do anything for youself! Bringing mom back like this!?

Hawkmoth: Adrien we could all be a happy family and I love he-

Adrien: I love Marinette! You almost kill the one I love so you can have your love back!? I'm your son!

Hawkmoth: I'm sorry Adrien.

Adrien: no, no you're not *grabs his ring from hawkmoth*

Hawkmoth: no! *punches him and knocks him unconscious* *gasps realizing what he's done* well, i guess theres only one thing left to do now. *picks up miraculous'*

Rena Rouge: Oh no you dont!!! *punches him and knocks him unconscious* ha! *gasps, realizing what she's done, he falls to the ground unconscious and detransforms, causing Lady Misfortunes akuma to fly out of her and she transforms back into Marinette, still unconscious*

Rena Rouge: oh no oh no, what do I do now? Marinette!! *runs over toward Marinette and starts crying* *pulls out her phone* Paris emergency services, this is Rena Rouge, I've found hawkmoth unconscious and he's severely injured two teenagers come immediately!!*hangs up* you're going to be okay Marinette *a single tear drops onto Marinette*

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