Secrets Revealed

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Gabriel: I won't hurt you, but I can't have anyone knowing.

/Adrien wakes up, but keeps his eyes closed and doesn't say a word so no one notices, but he listens Gabriel and Marinette\

Gabriel: *pulls out his ipad, with security footage of some places in the town* all of your friends are looking for you *evil smile* too bad they won't find you here.

Marinette: *eyes begin watering*

Sabine with Tom (on the ipad): please, our daughter Marinette is missing, if you see her call us right away. *holds up a picture of Marinette*

Nadia Chamack: Young 14 year old Marinette dupain-Cheng has been reported missing for the past 6 hours, she attends the fancios-dupont high school and was last seen-

Gabriel: *turns off ipad* you should never have come.

Marinette: *crying* please, let me go! I'll do anything! What do you want from me!?

Gabriel: I cannot, i-

Marinette: please!!! I'll give you anything!

Gabriel: IT'S TOO LATE! I will not be letting you go!*leaves*

Marinette: No! Please! *is crying a lot*

Adrien: Marinette?

(Adrien is a couple feet away, next to Marinette, also chained up)y

Marinette: Adrien! *wipes tears* your father he-

Adrien: I know, I heard Marinette, I just didn't want him to find out I was awake, I'm scared.

Marinette: .......

Adrien: I sorry Marinette!! It's all my fault! You told me it was dangerous.

Marinette: Adrien!

Adrien: but I didn't listen, and now you're locked up and-

Marinette: Adrien!!

Adrien: and everyone is looking for you and it's all because of me and-

Marinette: ADRIEN!!!!

Adrien: W -what?

Marinette: I'm going to get us out, but I need you to trust me

Adrien: how are you going to get us out?? We're chained up.

Marinette: I just need you to trust me, ok Adrien?

Adrien: I trust you Marinette

Marinette: *takes deep breath* Tikki, Spots on!

/epic ladybug transformation, while chained up lol\

Ladybug: *uses yoyo to break her chains, then goes Adrien, and holds her hand out for him*


Ladybug:I know you are, but you need to come now.

/they hear Gabriel coming up\

Ladybug: hurry!

Adrien: this is happening so fast! I can't handle it!

Ladybug: We need to go! We'll talk once we're safe!

Adrien: *grabs ladybugs hand*


Gabriel: WHAT!?


/to Gabriel's surprise, adrien and Marinette are gone, and his big window is broken\

Gabriel: How did they escape!?! Uhgggg, Nathalie!!

Nathalie: uh, yes sir?

Gabriel: pull up the security footage immediately in my office, I will be down in 5 minutes.

Nathalie: of course, sir.

/meanwhile, with ladybug and Adrien\

/Ladybug swings to the Eiffel tower, where she sets Adrien down, who immediately transforms so that he'll be able to leave on his own\

Adrien: Claws out! *starts to walk away*

Ladybug: Adrien! don't leave! I'm sorry!

Chat noir: why didn't you tell me!?

Ladybug: I just didn't have a good opportunity......?

Chat noir: Marinette that's a horrible excuse, why didn't you tell me!? You knew the whole time I was Chat Noir! you could have helped me! We wouldn't have gotten captured! We-

Ladybug: I said I'm sorry!! I didn't know how you'd react! Obviously it was a bad choice but I didn't know! I don't always know what's right! I was scared you-you'd realize you didn't actually love me! That I'm just- I'm just Marinette......

Ladybug: *signs* Spots off. But you can't leave Adrien! There's this whole new part in my life now! Knowing hawkmoth, knowing you! I can't just continue living life like this, with no one else who understands, you are the only person who will understand!!! You can just leave me like this, please, you can't go back home either, please....

Chat noir: *sighs* claws in. *he runs back to Marinette and gives

Her a hug* I won't leave you Marinette, I promise.

/both are silently hugging for a minute\

Marinette: we should go see master fu, he will be able to help. Spots on!

Adrien: claws out!

/they are about to leave when they hear Alya crying from the ground, and calling to ladybug\

Ladybug: Alya!! *goes down to her* what is it?!

Alya: it's my best friend, *siffs* Marinette. Please, she's gone missing, we need to find her, she could be hurt!

Ladybug: it's going to be okay, Chat Noir and I will go looking for her right now, and we won't rest til she's back home.

Alya: *sniffs and wipes tears* thank you Ladybug.

(She leaves)

Chat Noir: Marinette we can go to Master Fu later, you need to get home.

Ladybug: yeah, and I need to come up with a good excuse for my parents, and an excuse why you need to stay with us.

Chat noir: I-

Ladybug: you can't go home Adrien, you will stay with me.

Chat noir: thanks Marinette.

/they go back to Marinette's house and stand outside the door\

Chat noir: what if, maybe we should just tell them the truth, then they won't worry if something happens again.

Ladybug: *sigh* yeah, you're right, I hope they take it the right way.

/back with Gabriel and Nathalie\

Gabriel: *looking at security footage* it's good they left, *small evil laugh* because now I know ladybugs true identity! *Evil Smile*

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