The Promise

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/At this point it's late and every one has already gone inside and will resume looking for Marinette tomorrow\

Chat noir: you ready?

Ladybug: *deep breath* ready as I'll ever be, spots off.

Chat noir: claws in.

Marinette: *opens door to the bakery floor of her house* m-mama, papa?

Sabine: *from upstairs on their main living floor* Marinette?! Marinette are you back!?

/Sabine and Tom come down the stairs\

Tom: Marinette!!! *they all do a big hug*

Sabine: Marinette we were so worried, where on earth did you go and why didn't you come back!?

Marinette: *looks over toward adrien, who nods* mama, papa, there's something I- *looks at adrien* something we need to tell you.

/they all go upstairs\

Marinette: please don't get mad, you may doubt my choices but please i need you to trust me-

Sabine: what is it Marinette?

*marinette takes a deep breath and nods at adrien, Marinette has tears in her eyes*

Marinette and Adrien: Spots On!/Claws out!

*both have super epic transformation*

Tom: what!? But-

Ladybug: please don't be mad!!*she's about to cry*

(she really didn't want to reveal herself and make her parents worry, or tell them that she was kidnapped)

*Tom and Sabine look at each other*

Ladybug: I couldn't tell you, to keep you safe.

Tom: And that was a good decision, but, why are you telling us now?

*Ladybug begins to cry*

Chat Noir: *puts his hand on ladybugs shoulder* Today, we were both kidnapped, by hawkmoth, who *sighs* who is my father.

Sabine: You're father is, hawk moth?

Adrien: yup... *also begins crying* claws in.

Marinette:spots off*still crying* I'm sorry for not telling you.

/Sabine and Tom give them both a hug silently for a couple minutes\

Tom: I'm so glad you're both safe now, Marinette you get yourself ready for bed and try to calm yourself down.

Marinette: *sniffs* okay papa. *she goes upstairs*

Sabine: Adrien,

Adrien: y-yes ma'am?

Sabine: you'll be staying with us too, we have some extra clothes you can wear, and you can stay in our guest bedroom.

Adrien: Thank you so much Mrs. Cheng! Mr. Dupain, I know it took me a while, but I'm truly in love with your daughter now, and I promise, in my heart, that I will never, ever, break hers again.

Tom: thank you son.....i knew you'd come around. *winks*

*Adrien smiles and goes to get ready to go to sleep*


Adrien: *has been lying in bed awake for an hour* Plagg...

Plagg: *trying to sleep* uhg, what?

Adrien: I can't fall asleep.

Plagg: Well I can! Go talk to someone else *yawns* I'm Tired.

Adrien: wow, you're helpful. *sighs*

/goes up to Marinette's room\

Adrien: Marinette? *does not see her* Marinette!? *hears Marinette from the balcony and goes up to her*

Adrien: *sees Marinette* hey, couldn't sleep?

Marinette: *sighs* yeah...

Adrien: me too, at least now we can keep each other company.

Marinette: Adrien, I think your father knows, that I'm Ladybug.

Adrien: what!? How!?

Marinette: l don't know....but i just have this feeling, like some connection, probably has to do with the miraculouses.



Marinette: Adrien I need you to promise me something.

Adrien: what is it?

Marinette: *sighs* if hawkmoth captures me, or threatens me, or hurts me, no matter what, never give him your miraculous.

Adrien: Marinette I can't just let him do anything to you! I will always protect you!

Marinette: Adrien please I don't want to make this hard, I'm not worth all of Paris! Who knows what he'll do?

Adrien: you're worth more than that to me! Marinette I-

Marinette: I can't let you give him the ability to hurt innocent-

Adrien: I can't let him hurt you!! don't you understand Marinette!? I love you!!!*tears in his eyes*

Marinette: I-I

/some awkward moments of silence\

Adrien: *looks down and sighs* I'm sorry I just-

Marinette: I love you too Adrien but, we can't let this get in the way of doing our job, if hawkmoth knows my identity, he still doesn't know yours, and you need to keep it that way, we must protect Paris no matter what.

Adrien: okay, I understand.

Marinette: I know this is hard, loving each other as superheroes is dangerous, but we must always protect this city at all costs.

/both of them are silent, then they stare at each other\

Adrien: *steps closer in to Marinette* I love you so much.

Marinette: I love you too.

/both lean in closer, close their eyes, and kiss\

Marinette: it's late now, we should go to sleep.

Adrien: Are you sure you'll be safe?

Marinette: no, I'll never be sure that I'm safe again, not until we defeat hawkmoth, and if he knows I'm Ladybug then I'm definitely not safe, all we can do is hope for the best.

Adrien: Marinette please don't let him hurt you, I'd never forgive myself if something happens to you.

Marinette: I'll be fine *kisses him on the cheek, and slips a piece of paper into his pocket without him noticing* Go get some sleep kitty.

Adrien: anything for you m'lady *kisses her hand, and goes back to his room*

/at Gabriel's house\

Gabriel: I've constructed the perfect plan! I will finally get my hands on ladybugs miraculous!

Nooroo: master, are you sure you want to do this?

Gabriel: Nooroo, I've never been so sure! I will finally be able to see Emilie!

Nooroo: but, what about Adrien?

Gabriel: .....nevermind him, hopefully, he will come back and forgive me, so we may all be happy again. But I must do this, whether or not he wants it. Everything is in place, and poor Marinette can not escape!

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