Chapter 1 ~ Who Am I

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Chapter 1 ~ who am I

~ so let's answer the question! Who am I? Yes that's right I'm kamora , kamora marie cole an yes keyisha cole is my mother! Ok gosh clam down, your question answered! I'm kinda upset right now because well you see I lived in Chicago! I loved it there I had so many friends an family but my mother had to take an move us to Atlanta Georgia , I'm all like well how come it couldn't be California L.A or New York! No..... ATLANTA FREAKIN GEORGIA! I mean don't get me wrong it's a nice place but I don't know to much about it, an being in L.A or New York would give me the chance to be more closer to my mother you know? She's always gone an traveling leaving me here! Back in Chicago I didn't mind but now that were in Atlanta it's a whole different story!

Me: mom!! Yes please take me with you

Mom: honey you know I can't! I wish I could sweetie

Me: but I don't wanna be alone in this place! I have no friends no family I'm such a loner (*i flopped on a kitchen stool*)

Mom: oh what ever kamora you know this is nothin new! U can make tons of friends

Me: I know I can make tons of friends but I want real true ones

Mom: you"ll be fine (*ding dong -door bell*) get that sweetie?

Me: fine (*got up*) an while I'm getting the door you can make arrangements for me :)

Mom: no

Me: uhhhh (*i opened the door*) buger king is that way <---

Person: my lovely kamora

Me: (*i hugged her*) T-T

~ yes clam down people it is the fantasia she's like a god mother to me

Fantasia: why you answer the door like that! You know your mother taught you better (*fixed my hair*)

Me: sorry alot people come here being noise about our personal life since we moved in!

Fantasia: lol no need for the buger king one (*she walked into the kitchen to find my mom*) keyisha honey!!

Mom: ohhh how's it going (*hug her*)

Fantasia: wonder full! The house I love it

Mom: thank you we've been working hard!

Me: (*i joined the conversation*) we as in me did everything

Fantasia: oh lol

Mom: she's not happy about The move

Fantasia: ohhh

Me: she could at least take me with her T-T tell her

Fantasia: business is business

Me: uggh you to (*they both laugh*)

Mom: oo come I want to show you the up stairs

Fantasia: oh ok (*they both went up the stairs*)

Me: I'm fine all good an wonderful (*i opened up the fridge an took this soda (pop) out*) humm what kind is this? (*i went to the living room an sat on the couch an flicked thew the channels*) no, naw what's this humm no oooo the great escape an it jus came on (*i opened my pop an drunk it.*) hummmm not bad *DING DONG* I GOT ITT!!!!! (*i walked to the door*) hello (*i was scoped into a hug*)

Person: ohhh my lovely kamora!! It's so lovely to see you

Me: can't breath

Person: ohh sorry (*sat me down*)

~ alright people let me tell you about this bubble person, so happy an cheerful her name is macey! An she my nanny! Yes I know I'm to old for a nanny BUT!.... The only reason my mom hired her was because when she left on her tours she needed someone to watch over me! So there! Before you get to judging me learn the facts

Me: 0.0 omg macey your hear! Oh snap mother must be serious about this trip

Macey: dont trip we're gonna have lots of fun

Me: we'll come inside :) mooommmm!! Macey is hereeeee (*the two of them came from downstairs*)

Mom: hey macey :)

Macey: keyisha, fantasia how are you guys doing (*pulled them into a hug*)

Mom: great! I'm so glad your here!

Macey: glad to be here! So what's what!

Mom: ohh the same old jus make sure she gets to school

Me: school? At this rate u might as well home school me

Mom: (*gave me a look*) fed an you know teenagers jus out of trouble

Me: I'm a good girl (*bats my eyes*)

Macey: don't worry I'll handle her!

Mom: thank you (*BEEP BEEP, she looked out the window an saw her your bus waiting*) ohh my ride is here (*she kissed me bye*) bye honey I'll call you keep in touch

Me: uhhh mom bye

~ I watched her leave! Aye aye I am not a baby I is miss my mom is all gosh I closed the door

Macey: so what you wanna do!

Me: umm go up stairs an watch tv with (*ran to the table an grabbed my drink*) this mysterious drink (*i ran up the steps

Macey: don't forget you have school first thing tomorrow!! *sigh* what a day

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